🐦 Log 100 species
Join the ABA Area Big Year 2025, enhance your birdwatching skills, and contribute to avian research within the American Birding Association (ABA) area. Embrace the opportunity to explore and document the diverse bird species found across North America, including the United States and Canada. Set your sights on identifying and recording 100 different bird species in the ABA area by the end of the year!
What’s the ABA Area? The ABA Area, sometimes referred to as the ABA Checklist Area, is essentially North America north of Mexico plus the Hawaiian Islands. Specifically, the area encompassed is the 49 continental United States, the Hawaiian Islands, Canada, the French islands of St. Pierre et Miquelon, and adjacent waters to a distance of 200 miles from land or half the distance to a neighbouring country, whichever is less.
This challenge is for anyone with a Birda account. This challenge is for tickable species only. You can read more about tickable species here.
This challenge starts and ends based on the Eastern Standard Time. All individual species logged within the ABA Area will count towards this challenge and will be included in any leaderboard placement. All sightings must be logged before midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on the day the challenge ends.
Be honest with yourself and other birders, but above all, respectful of them and any other outdoor users, everywhere – especially online. If you didn’t see it (or hear it), please don’t put it on Birda.
2,377h 58m
Time in nature
Days wild