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Species Guide

Species Guide

Explore bird species around the world by region or search for a cool bird you're interested in. See distribution maps, photos, info and Birda user sightings. If it is up there, it is in here!


A photo of a Alpine Accentor (Prunella collaris)

Alpine Accentor

Prunella collaris
A photo of a Black-throated Accentor (Prunella atrogularis)

Black-throated Accentor

Prunella atrogularis
A photo of a Dunnock (Prunella modularis)


Prunella modularis
A photo of a Radde's Accentor (Prunella ocularis)

Radde's Accentor

Prunella ocularis
A photo of a Siberian Accentor (Prunella montanella)

Siberian Accentor

Prunella montanella
A photo of a Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)

Monk Parakeet

Myiopsitta monachus

Yellow-crowned Amazon

Amazona ochrocephala
A photo of a Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross (Thalassarche chlororhynchos)

Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross

Thalassarche chlororhynchos
A photo of a Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris)

Black-browed Albatross

Thalassarche melanophris
A photo of a Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans)

Wandering Albatross

Diomedea exulans
A photo of a African Darter (Anhinga rufa)

African Darter

Anhinga rufa

Ancient Murrelet

Synthliboramphus antiquus
A photo of a Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)

Black Guillemot

Cepphus grylle
A photo of a BrĂ¼nnich's Guillemot (Uria lomvia)

BrĂ¼nnich's Guillemot

Uria lomvia
A photo of a Common Guillemot (Uria aalge)

Common Guillemot

Uria aalge
A photo of a Crested Auklet (Aethia cristatella)

Crested Auklet

Aethia cristatella
A photo of a Little Auk (Alle alle)

Little Auk

Alle alle

Long-billed Murrelet

Brachyramphus perdix
A photo of a Parakeet Auklet (Aethia psittacula)

Parakeet Auklet

Aethia psittacula
A photo of a Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba)

Pigeon Guillemot

Cepphus columba
A photo of a Puffin (Fratercula arctica)


Fratercula arctica
A photo of a Razorbill (Alca torda)


Alca torda
A photo of a Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata)

Tufted Puffin

Fratercula cirrhata

Vogelkop Scrubwren

Aethomyias rufescens
A photo of a Black-bellied Storm Petrel (Fregetta tropica)

Black-bellied Storm Petrel

Fregetta tropica
A photo of a White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina)

White-faced Storm Petrel

Pelagodroma marina
A photo of a Wilson's Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus)

Wilson's Petrel

Oceanites oceanicus
A photo of a Barn Owl (Tyto alba) , male

Barn Owl

Tyto alba
A photo of a Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) , male

Bearded Tit

Panurus biarmicus

Arabian Green Bee-eater

Merops cyanophrys
A photo of a Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)


Merops apiaster
A photo of a Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (Merops persicus)

Blue-cheeked Bee-eater

Merops persicus
A photo of a Black-faced Bunting (Emberiza spodocephala) , male

Black-faced Bunting

Emberiza spodocephala
A photo of a Black-headed Bunting (Emberiza melanocephala) , male

Black-headed Bunting

Emberiza melanocephala
A photo of a Chestnut Bunting (Emberiza rutila) , male

Chestnut Bunting

Emberiza rutila
A photo of a Chestnut-eared Bunting (Emberiza fucata) , male

Chestnut-eared Bunting

Emberiza fucata

Cinereous Bunting

Emberiza cineracea
A photo of a Cinnamon-breasted Bunting (Emberiza tahapisi) , male

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting

Emberiza tahapisi
A photo of a Cirl Bunting (Emberiza cirlus) , male

Cirl Bunting

Emberiza cirlus
A photo of a Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra)

Corn Bunting

Emberiza calandra
A photo of a Cretzschmar's Bunting (Emberiza caesia) , male

Cretzschmar's Bunting

Emberiza caesia

Godlewski's Bunting

Emberiza godlewskii

Grey-necked Bunting

Emberiza buchanani
A photo of a House Bunting (Emberiza sahari) , male

House Bunting

Emberiza sahari
A photo of a Little Bunting (Emberiza pusilla)

Little Bunting

Emberiza pusilla
A photo of a Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) , male

Ortolan Bunting

Emberiza hortulana

Pallas's Reed Bunting

Emberiza pallasi
A photo of a Pine Bunting (Emberiza leucocephalos) , male

Pine Bunting

Emberiza leucocephalos
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Birda is a birdwatching app and community aimed at curious people who want to deepen their connection with nature.
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Connect with nature in minutes
Take a walk, look out of the window and log the birds that you see. Feel good about those little connections to nature.
Discover the joy of birding
Find new birding spots, see more birds, share and celebrate with a like-minded community of nature lovers.
Play your part in saving nature
Logging your birding sightings and sessions turns into positive action for our planet. Every sighting counts.

Species Categories

AccentorsAfrican & New World ParrotsAlbatrossesAnhingas, DartersAuksAustral Storm PetrelsAustralasian WarblersBarn OwlsBearded ReedlingBee-eatersBuntingsBushshrikesBushtitsBustardsButtonquailCaracaras, FalconsCardinals & AlliesCettia Bush Warblers & AlliesChats, Old World FlycatchersCisticolas & AlliesCormorants, ShagsCoursers, PratincolesCranesCrows, JaysCuckoosDippersDucks, Geese, SwansFigbirds, Orioles, TurnagraFinches, EuphoniasFlamingosFrigatebirdsGannets, BoobiesGoldcrests, KingletsGrassbirds & AlliesGrebesGuineafowlGulls, Terns, SkimmersHerons, BitternsIbises, SpoonbillsKingfishersKites, Hawks, EaglesLarksLaughingthrushes & AlliesLeaf Warblers & AlliesLongspurs, Snow BuntingsLoonsMockingbirds, ThrashersNew World QuailNew World SparrowsNew World WarblersNightjarsNorthern Storm PetrelsNuthatchesOld World ParrotsOld World Sparrows, SnowfinchesOropendolas, Orioles, BlackbirdsOspreysOwlsOystercatchersPelicansPenduline TitsPetrels, Shearwaters, Diving PetrelsPheasants & AlliesPigeons, DovesPloversRails, Crakes & CootsReed Warblers & AlliesRollersSandgrouseSandpipers, SnipesShrikesSkuasStarlings, RhabdornisStilts, AvocetsStone-curlews, Thick-kneesStorksSwallows, MartinsSwiftsSylviid BabblersThrushesTits, ChickadeesTreecreepersTropicbirdsTyrant Flycatchers, CalypturaVireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblersWagtails, PipitsWallcreeperWaxbills, Munias & AlliesWaxwingsWeavers, WidowbirdsWoodpeckersWrensYellow-breasted Chat

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What Our Birders Say
Stewart W
Fantastic to be involved
Fantastic to be involved, great for mental health and gets you responding with the Challenges that are to takd part in.
Emma L
App got me interested in birding!
Super friendly community <3 This app got me interested in birding! It teaches me cool stuff and its super friendly, and fun :) The species guide is really developing my knowledge, and i love seeing cool new birds from round the world!
Bryan C
Clean and easy to use
Really enjoying this app, it's clean and easy to use. I love the ease of being able to add those one-off birds without starting a whole checklist. I also like the social aspect, like the parts of my Facebook I like, without the ads and junk, just birds. Can't wait to see it become more populated.
Ideal Birdwatch Companion
Simply adds to the enjoyment of my birdwatching and helps me record what I’ve seen.
Just what birding needs
We need more fun in birding, for years it has had a reputation for being up tight and stuffy and only perused by retirees and anoraks. Birda helps change that perception and firmly brings birding into the 21st century! Fun, interactive while still contributing to science and conservation. If you aren’t on it, why not??
Really useful
Downloaded to give it a try, everything worked perfectly, recorded my first bird watching walk. Very impressed. Have already recommended to friends!
Carl B
Helped me to identify more birds
Love this app and has helped me to identify more birds. The challenges and badges are great for keeping the motivation going to get out and keep birding.
David C
Very knowledgeable group
Nice friendly birding community. Very knowledgeable group with a willingness to help.
Patricia L
Very encouraging birding app
Easy to use, fun to see progress and encouraging to receive feedback from other users.
Robred 2
Fun way to add to your birdwatching experience
I enjoy watching birds in my backyard, but this app helped me really pay attention while on vacation this summer. It was fun to add new birds to my bird watching app.
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