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Species Guide
A photo of a Vinaceous Rosefinch (Carpodacus vinaceus), male
Vinaceous Rosefinch, Male

Vinaceous Rosefinch

Carpodacus vinaceus

The Vinaceous Rosefinch, a member of the finch family Fringillidae, is a medium-sized bird with a robust build. Males are adorned in a striking dark crimson plumage with brownish-black tail and wings, while females present a more subdued olive-brown attire, punctuated with black spots.

Identification Tips

To identify the Vinaceous Rosefinch, look for the male's vibrant crimson coloration contrasted with darker wings and tail. Females can be recognized by their olive-brown plumage with black spotting. Their medium size and finch-like appearance are key characteristics to note.


This species thrives in the temperate forests as well as subtropical or tropical dry forests, where it finds the conditions ideal for its lifestyle.


The Vinaceous Rosefinch is found across a range of locales, including Nepal, China, and the far northern regions of Myanmar. The Taiwan rosefinch is often regarded as a subspecies of this adaptable bird.


These birds exhibit a resourceful nature, sometimes rummaging through trash piles in search of sustenance, which has led to the colloquial moniker "Garbage Bird."

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Vinaceous Rosefinch primarily consists of small worms and seeds, which they forage from their forested habitats or, occasionally, from less natural sources such as refuse heaps.

Conservation status

The Vinaceous Rosefinch is currently classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, indicating that, for now, this species does not face immediate threats to its survival.

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Vinaceous Rosefinches on Birda


More Finches, Euphonias

A photo of a Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) , male

Lesser Redpoll

Acanthis cabaret
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Super friendly community <3 This app got me interested in birding! It teaches me cool stuff and its super friendly, and fun :) The species guide is really developing my knowledge, and i love seeing cool new birds from round the world!
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