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Species Guide

Striated Bulbul

Alcurus striatus

The Striated Bulbul, known scientifically as Alcurus striatus, is a distinctive member of the bulbul family, Pycnonotidae. It is the sole representative of the genus Alcurus, a testament to its unique place in the avian world.

Identification Tips

This songbird boasts a striking plumage with a pattern that gives it its name. Observers should look for the characteristic striations that adorn its greenish feathers, a feature that sets it apart from its bulbul cousins.


The Striated Bulbul is a denizen of subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, where it flits through the verdant canopy in search of sustenance.


From the eastern Himalayas stretching to northern Vietnam, the Striated Bulbul graces the highland forests with its presence, a range that speaks to its adaptability within these lush environments.


While much about its behaviour remains shrouded in the mysteries of the forest, one can surmise that it shares the typical bulbul traits of active foraging and a sociable nature.


Details of its breeding habits are scarce, but like many of its relatives, it likely engages in the construction of cup-shaped nests, where it would rear its young with care.

Similar Species

The Striated Bulbul's unique plumage and striations offer a clear distinction from other species, making it a less challenging task for the keen-eyed birdwatcher to identify.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Striated Bulbul is not well-documented, but it likely includes a variety of insects and fruits, as is common among bulbuls.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List categorizes the Striated Bulbul as Least Concern, indicating that, for now, this species continues to thrive in its natural habitat without immediate threats to its survival.

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Striated Bulbuls on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Oscar Barlow
Oscar Barlow
18 Jun 2023 - 11:36am

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