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Species Guide

White Cockatoo

Cacatua alba

The White Cockatoo, Cacatua alba, also known as the Umbrella Cockatoo, is a medium-sized bird cloaked in a brilliant white plumage. It is distinguished by its large, semi-circular head crest, which it fans out like the spokes of an umbrella when surprised or excited. The wings and tail bear a subtle pale yellow or lemon hue, most visible during flight.

Identification Tips

Males typically exhibit a broader head and larger beak compared to females. Their eyes are dark brown or black, while the beak is a dark grey. Mature females may have reddish or brown irises, whereas the irises of adult males remain dark. The inner half of the trailing edge of their large wing feathers is tinged with yellow, a detail most apparent when the wings are spread.


The White Cockatoo is native to the lowland tropical rainforests of the Moluccan islands in Indonesia, thriving in primary, logged, and secondary forests up to elevations of 900 meters. They are also found in mangroves and agricultural areas, including coconut plantations.


Endemic to North Maluku, Indonesia, these birds are found on the islands of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Tidore, Kasiruta, and Mandioli. There are introduced populations on Obi, Bisa, and Taiwan.


White Cockatoos are known for their sociable nature, often seen in pairs or small groups. During breeding season, pairs will separate from the group to find a nesting site. The male's courtship display includes feather ruffling, tail spreading, wing extending, and crest erection, followed by a series of bounces to attract the female's attention.


These cockatoos nest in tree hollows, laying two white eggs per clutch. Both parents incubate the eggs for about 28 days. The chicks fledge the nest approximately 84 days after hatching and gain independence at 15 to 18 weeks. Sexual maturity is reached at 3 to 4 years.

Similar Species

The White Cockatoo can be confused with other white cockatoos like the Yellow-crested, Sulphur-crested, and Salmon-crested Cockatoos, which have yellow, orange, or pink crest feathers instead of white.

Diet and Feeding

In the wild, their diet consists of berries, seeds, nuts, fruits, and roots. They also consume insects and insect larvae during nesting. Known to feed on crops such as corn, they can be considered agricultural pests.

Conservation status

The IUCN lists the White Cockatoo as Endangered. Numbers have declined due to habitat loss and capture for the cage bird trade. It is protected under CITES Appendix II, which regulates international trade, but illegal capture and trade persist.

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A photo of a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita)

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Cacatua galerita
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