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Species Guide
A photo of a Slaty Egret (Egretta vinaceigula)
Slaty Egret

Slaty Egret

Egretta vinaceigula

The Slaty Egret, a small and rather elusive bird, is cloaked in a dusky hue that sets it apart from its kin. Its yellow legs and the vinous brown throat, which in the young extends to the belly, are distinctive markers of its identity. Unlike its cousin, the Black Egret, it does not engage in the unique "mantling" behavior.

Identification Tips

To distinguish the Slaty Egret from similar species, look for its yellow legs and the rich, wine-colored throat. The absence of "mantling" behavior is also a key differentiator from the Black Egret.


This bird is a denizen of floodplains, freshwater marshes, and ephemeral shallow wetlands, showing a preference for retreating waters post the seasonal deluge. It thrives amidst emergent vegetation like Cynodon dactylon and Panicum repens, often in areas recently kissed by fire.


The Slaty Egret calls the south-central regions of Africa its home, with significant populations in Zambia and Botswana. It is a somewhat nomadic species, occasionally venturing into the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, and even northern South Africa.


The Slaty Egret exhibits sedentary tendencies but will move in response to the rains that alter wetland conditions. It is a daytime forager, often seen in small flocks, and feeds on a variety of aquatic life, from small fish to frogs and insects.


Breeding occurs in temporary wetlands, with nests constructed in reed beds or on islands of vegetation. These nests are bowl-shaped, lined with fine plant material, and may house one to four eggs, incubated for about three weeks.

Conservation status

Classified as Vulnerable, the Slaty Egret faces threats from habitat loss due to human activities such as drainage for agriculture, dam construction, and the harvesting of marsh vegetation. Conservation efforts are crucial for the survival of this species.

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