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Species Guide
A photo of a Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias

The great blue heron (Ardea herodias) stands as a majestic figure among North American avifauna. It is the largest heron native to the continent, only surpassed in size globally by the goliath heron and the white-bellied heron. Exhibiting slight sexual dimorphism, males are marginally larger than females. The species boasts a considerable size range, with a head-to-tail length of 91–137 cm, a wingspan of 167–201 cm, a height of 115–138 cm, and a weight of 1.82–3.6 kg.

Identification Tips

This stately bird is characterized by its slaty flight feathers tinged with azure blue, red-brown thighs, and a distinctive red-brown and black stripe ascending the flanks. The neck is a rusty-gray with black and white streaking down the front, while the head is paler with a nearly white face. Two black or slate plumes extend from above the eye to the back of the head. During the breeding season, the bill turns a vibrant orange, as do the lower legs, contrasting with their usual dull yellowish and gray hues, respectively.


The great blue heron is highly adaptable, frequenting fresh and saltwater marshes, mangrove swamps, flooded meadows, lake edges, and shorelines. It thrives in both natural and developed environments, provided there are fish-bearing waters.


This bird is widespread across North and Central America, reaching into the far northwestern parts of South America. It is a common sight near open water and wetlands, with migratory populations moving southward in winter.


Great blue herons are solitary feeders, often seen standing in water or fields, patiently stalking their prey. They are versatile in their hunting techniques, capable of foraging in deeper waters than most herons due to their long legs.

Song & Calls

The call of the great blue heron is a harsh croak, often heard when the bird is disturbed or in flight.


Breeding typically occurs in colonies, with nests constructed in trees or bushes near water. Males arrive first at the breeding grounds, selecting nests where they will court females. The female lays three to six pale blue eggs, with both parents sharing incubation duties.

Similar Species

The great blue heron can be confused with the great egret, but it is larger with yellow legs. The reddish egret and little blue heron are smaller and lack the white head and yellow bill. The closely related cocoi heron and the grey heron are similar in size but have distinguishing features such as a white neck and a solidly soft-gray neck, respectively.

Diet and Feeding

Fish constitute the primary diet, but the great blue heron will opportunistically consume a wide range of prey, including amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, insects, small mammals, and occasionally other birds.

Conservation status

The great blue heron is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating a stable and widespread population. However, human disturbance can negatively impact breeding success, emphasizing the need for continued conservation efforts.

Great Blue Heron Sounds

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Great Blue Heron Fun Facts

Did you know?
The Great Blue Heron is the largest heron species in North America.

Great Blue Herons on Birda


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