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Species Guide
A photo of a White-cheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis)
White-cheeked Pintail

White-cheeked Pintail

Anas bahamensis

The White-cheeked Pintail, also known as the Bahama Pintail or Summer Duck, is a charming species of dabbling duck. It presents a mainly brown plumage contrasted by distinctive white cheeks and a red-based grey bill, though the juveniles exhibit a more subdued bill coloration, lacking the pink hue.

Identification Tips

When observing the White-cheeked Pintail, look for its unique white cheek patches which set it apart from other ducks. The red at the base of its grey bill is another key feature, especially in adults. Their overall brown coloration is consistent across both sexes, simplifying identification.


This species is quite at home in environments with a touch of salinity, such as brackish lakes, estuaries, and the verdant mangrove swamps that line tropical shores.


The White-cheeked Pintail graces the Caribbean, South America, and the remote Galápagos Islands with its presence. It is known to breed in Argentina and may migrate north for the winter.


In its natural setting, the White-cheeked Pintail is an adept forager, dabbling for aquatic plants like Ruppia, grass seeds, and algae. It also consumes small creatures such as insects and aquatic invertebrates. Nesting occurs on the ground, well-concealed by vegetation and invariably close to water.

Song & calls

This section is not available as the source provided no information on the song and calls of the White-cheeked Pintail.


The White-cheeked Pintail's breeding habits involve creating a nest on the ground, shrouded by vegetation and in proximity to water, ensuring safety and sustenance for the ducklings.

Similar Species

The White-cheeked Pintail is unique in its range, and its distinctive white cheeks and red-based bill make it unlikely to be confused with any other duck species in its habitat.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the White-cheeked Pintail is varied, including aquatic plants, grass seeds, algae, insects, and small aquatic invertebrates, all of which are obtained through their dabbling behavior.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List categorizes the White-cheeked Pintail as Least Concern, indicating that, for now, this species is not at immediate risk of decline.

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White-cheeked Pintails on Birda


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