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A photo of a Tropical Parula (Setophaga pitiayumi), male
Tropical Parula, Male

Tropical Parula

Setophaga pitiayumi

The Tropical Parula, a diminutive New World warbler, presents a charming display of blue-grey upperparts, complemented by a verdant patch on its back and dual white wing bars. Its underparts are a radiant yellow, deepening to an orange hue across the breast. The male is distinguished by a striking black patch extending from the bill to behind the eye.

Identification Tips

Males are resplendent with black head markings, while females are somewhat less vivid and lack the black. Juveniles are more subdued in coloration, missing the wing bars and featuring a grey breast band. The Tropical Parula's song is a high, buzzy trill, and its call—a sharp "tsit."


This species favors hills and premontane forests, steering clear of the Amazon basin. It thrives in moderately disturbed and secondary forests, showing resilience in fragmented habitats.


The Tropical Parula's range extends from the southernmost reaches of Texas and northwest Mexico, through Central America, and down to northern Argentina, including Trinidad and Tobago. It is not migratory, though some northern populations may exhibit local movements.


These birds are not migratory, but may exhibit local movements. They are often seen in mixed-species feeding flocks, though sometimes by happenstance rather than regular association.

Song & Calls

The Tropical Parula's vocalizations include a high, buzzy trill for its song and a sharp "tsit" for its call.


Breeding involves the construction of a domed nest within clumps of epiphytes, such as Spanish moss, where typically two eggs are laid. Incubation, lasting 12-14 days, is primarily the female's duty.

Similar Species

The Tropical Parula is closely related to the Northern Parula, and hybrids are found in southern Texas. Differentiation includes the absence of white-eye crescents and variations in the extent of non-yellow breast coloration and yellow below the cheek and belly.

Diet and Feeding

Their diet consists of insects, spiders, and occasionally berries. They are known to forage in mixed-species flocks or independently.

Conservation status

The IUCN classifies the Tropical Parula as Least Concern, indicating a stable population across its widespread range.

Tropical Parula Sounds

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Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
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