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Species Guide

Zanzibar Red Bishop

Euplectes nigroventris

The Zanzibar red bishop, known scientifically as Euplectes nigroventris, is a vibrant and striking bird belonging to the Ploceidae family. This species is adorned with a distinctive plumage that captures the attention of any keen birdwatcher.

Identification Tips

When observing the Zanzibar red bishop, one should look for the male's bright red and black coloration, which is particularly prominent during the breeding season. The females and non-breeding males, however, display a more subdued color palette, which can make identification a bit more challenging.


These birds are typically found in the grasslands and marshy areas, where they can be seen flitting about with great agility.


The Zanzibar red bishop graces the landscapes of Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania with its presence, adding a dash of color to the East African region.


Observing the behavior of the Zanzibar red bishop can be quite delightful, as they are known for their active and gregarious nature. They often gather in flocks, which can provide a spectacular visual for bird enthusiasts.

Conservation status

BirdLife International has assessed the Zanzibar red bishop as being of Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. This status indicates that, for now, the species is not at immediate risk of decline. However, continued monitoring is essential to ensure that this bird remains a common sight in its natural habitat.

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Zanzibar Red Bishops on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Jovin Josephat
05 Feb 2024 - 5:16am

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