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Species Guide
A photo of a Red Fody (Foudia madagascariensis), male
Red Fody, Male

Red Fody

Foudia madagascariensis

The Red Fody, known scientifically as Foudia madagascariensis, is a vibrant bird native to Madagascar. It is also referred to as the Madagascar Fody in its homeland, the Red Cardinal Fody in Mauritius, or simply the Common Fody. This species is a diminutive avian, measuring approximately 5 inches in length and weighing between 14 to 19 grams.

Identification Tips

Males are particularly striking with their bright red plumage and distinctive black markings around the eyes. Their wings and tail exhibit a more subdued brown, while the underparts remain a vivid red, setting them apart from other fodies where their ranges overlap. Females, on the other hand, are dressed in more cryptic tones with olive-brown upper parts and greyish brown underparts.


The Red Fody is commonly found in open areas such as forest clearings, grasslands, and cultivated fields. However, it tends to avoid dense forest environments. In Madagascar, it is often seen as a pest in rice cultivation due to its abundance.


Originally from Madagascar, the Red Fody has been introduced to several other islands in the Indian Ocean, including the Amirantes, Comoros, Seychelles, Mauritius, and Rรฉunion.


Outside of the breeding season, Red Fodies are sociable creatures, flocking together. As the breeding season nears, males become territorial, establishing domains roughly 30 meters in diameter. These birds are monogamous, with the male beginning nest construction before courtship has even begun. Nests are often found in loose colonies and are globular with a side entrance, taking about eight days to complete.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Red Fody is predominantly seed-based, with a preference for grass seeds. However, they are also known to consume insects, fruit, nectar, household scraps, and copra.

Conservation status

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the Red Fody as "Least Concern," indicating that, at present, there are no immediate threats to its population levels.

Similar Species

In its introduced range, the Red Fody may be confused with other fody species, but its bright red underparts and black eye markings are distinctive identifiers.


During the breeding season, males exhibit territorial behavior and engage in nest-building to attract mates. The nests are intricately woven from rootlets, tendrils, and grasses, featuring a side entrance and sometimes a porch or short tube.

Impact on native birds

The introduction of the Red Fody to new environments has had varying impacts on native bird species. Notably, the endangered Mauritius Fody (Foudia rubra) and the Rodrigues Fody (Foudia flavicans) have faced competition for resources due to the presence of the Red Fody on their respective islands.

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