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Species Guide
A photo of a Violet-backed Starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster), male
Violet-backed Starling, Male

Violet-backed Starling

Cinnyricinclus leucogaster

The Violet-backed Starling, also known as the Plum-coloured Starling or Amethyst Starling, is a small bird of the starling family, Sturnidae, measuring approximately 18 centimetres in length. It is the sole representative of the genus Cinnyricinclus. Exhibiting striking sexual dimorphism, the male boasts an iridescent violet plumage on its head and back, contrasting with its pure white underparts. The female, on the other hand, presents a more subdued appearance with brown upper parts marked by bold streaks and similarly streaked white underparts. Both sexes share yellow irises and sport black bills and legs.

Identification Tips

To identify the Violet-backed Starling, look for the male's shimmering violet back and white belly, which are unmistakable in the sunlight. The female can be recognized by her thrush-like appearance with streaked brown and white plumage. Their black bills and legs, along with yellow eyes, are consistent identification markers for both sexes.


This species is commonly found in the open woodlands, gallery forests, and forest edges of Sub-Saharan Africa. It thrives in areas that are not too densely forested nor excessively arid.


The Violet-backed Starling is widespread across mainland sub-Saharan Africa, with its range excluding the dense rainforests of the Congo Basin and the more arid regions of southwestern Africa.


The Violet-backed Starling is an arboreal bird, rarely seen on the ground. It feeds primarily in the canopy, foraging for fruits, seeds, and arthropods. It exhibits flycatcher-like behaviour when hawking for insects. Nesting typically occurs in tree crevices, with the female incubating a clutch of pale blue, reddish-brown spotted eggs for about two weeks. Both parents participate in feeding the chicks, which fledge after approximately three weeks.


Breeding behaviour involves the female incubating a clutch of two to four pale blue, reddish-brown spotted eggs for 12 to 14 days. The nest, often adorned with green leaves and dung, is located within a few meters of the ground in a tree crevice. After hatching, the male assists in feeding the chicks until they are ready to leave the nest, approximately 21 days later.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Violet-backed Starling consists of fruits, seeds, and arthropods. It is known to hawk for insects in flight and generally feeds within the tree canopy, seldom descending to the ground.

Conservation Status

The Violet-backed Starling is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating that it is not currently at significant risk of extinction in the wild.

Violet-backed Starling Sounds

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Violet-backed Starlings on Birda


More Starlings, Rhabdornis

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