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Species Guide

Greater Ground Robin

Amalocichla sclateriana

The Greater Ground Robin, known scientifically as Amalocichla sclateriana, is a distinguished member of the Petroicidae family. It claims the title of the largest robin in New Guinea, measuring an impressive 20 cm in length.

Identification Tips

This species exhibits a robust physique. The nominate subspecies, A. s. sclateriana, is native to the Huon Peninsula mountains and is characterized by its standard coloration. In contrast, the A. s. occidentalis subspecies, found in the Oranje Mountains of central New Guinea, displays browner and more mottled underparts.


The Greater Ground Robin is endemic to the highlands of New Guinea, favoring the cool, crisp air found at elevations ranging from 2,500 to 3,900 meters above sea level.


This bird is a true New Guinean, with its distribution confined to the mountainous regions of this large island.

Behaviour and Ecology

Diet and Feeding

Invertebrates, such as beetles, form the cornerstone of the Greater Ground Robin's diet, sustaining its sizeable frame.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List has classified the Greater Ground Robin as Least Concern, indicating a stable population within its natural habitat.

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