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Species Guide
A photo of a Black-bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)
Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna autumnalis

The black-bellied whistling duck, Dendrocygna autumnalis, is a distinctive mid-sized waterfowl with a long pink bill, elongated head, and relatively lengthy legs. Exhibiting a palette of pale gray, rich chestnut brown, and black, this species is easily recognizable. Both sexes are similar in appearance, with juveniles bearing a resemblance but sporting a gray bill and less pronounced belly contrast.

Identification Tips

When identifying the black-bellied whistling duck, look for the unique white wing patch, visible in flight, formed by the secondary remiges, while the primaries are black. The belly and tail are black, contrasting with the chestnut brown body plumage, back of the neck, and cap. The face and upper neck are gray, highlighted by a thin but distinct white eye-ring.


This species favors shallow freshwater ponds, lakes, and marshes, as well as cultivated lands or reservoirs with abundant vegetation, which provide ample foraging opportunities.


The black-bellied whistling duck is primarily non-migratory, with a range that includes the southernmost United States, Mexico, and parts of Central to south-central South America. It has been recorded in every eastern state and adjacent Canadian province, with recent observations indicating a northward expansion into the Midwestern U.S.


Renowned for its sociability, the black-bellied whistling duck forms large flocks outside of the breeding season and is known for its tame nature even in the wild. It typically nests in hollow trees and is largely resident, with local movements rather than true long-range migration.

Song & Calls

The species is vocal with a clear whistling "waa-chooo" call, which is the source of its common name.


Exhibiting a strong monogamous pair-bond, the black-bellied whistling duck is unique among ducks. Both parents are involved in all aspects of rearing the young, from incubation to guiding the ducklings. They are primarily cavity nesters but will adapt to ground nesting or artificial nest boxes if necessary.

Diet and Feeding

These ducks are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of plant material, arthropods, aquatic invertebrates, and tadpoles. They are known to forage by wading through shallow waters and are often seen feeding in recently harvested fields.

Conservation status

The black-bellied whistling duck is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, with a stable and increasing global population estimated between 1,100,000 and 2,000,000 individuals.

Black-bellied Whistling Duck Sounds

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Black-bellied Whistling Ducks on Birda


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