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Species Guide

Slaty-backed Thornbill

Acanthiza robustirostris

The Slaty-backed Thornbill, known scientifically as Acanthiza robustirostris, is a diminutive and charming bird that graces the family Acanthizidae with its presence. It is a species that is entirely endemic to the vast and varied landscapes of Australia.

Conservation Status

The Slaty-backed Thornbill is currently classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating that, for now, this species is not at immediate risk of decline in its natural habitat.


This bird is a true Australian, not venturing beyond the confines of its native land. It is a creature that has adapted to the unique conditions of its home country.


The Slaty-backed Thornbill has not disclosed to us the details of its preferred habitat. However, as an endemic species, it is likely to have specific environmental preferences within the Australian continent.


The behaviour of the Slaty-backed Thornbill remains a mystery, waiting to be uncovered by keen observers and dedicated ornithologists.

Song & Calls

The auditory expressions of the Slaty-backed Thornbill, its song and calls, are aspects of its life that are yet to be documented in detail.


The breeding habits and rituals of the Slaty-backed Thornbill are aspects of its existence that remain shrouded in secrecy.

Similar Species

In the absence of detailed information, the Slaty-backed Thornbill's closest look-alikes within its family remain unidentified.

Diet and Feeding

The Slaty-backed Thornbill has kept its dietary preferences to itself, leaving us to wonder what morsels it might favor.

In conclusion, the Slaty-backed Thornbill is a bird that holds many secrets, from its ecological preferences to its social behaviors. It is a reminder of the vast knowledge yet to be discovered in the world of avian species. As a Least Concern species, it continues to thrive in the Australian wilds, a small yet significant part of the continent's rich biodiversity.

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A photo of a Inland Thornbill (Acanthiza apicalis)

Inland Thornbill

Acanthiza apicalis
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