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Species Guide

Red-headed Myzomela

Myzomela erythrocephala

The Red-headed Myzomela, also known as the Red-headed Honeyeater, is a small passerine bird belonging to the honeyeater family Meliphagidae. This diminutive avian, measuring a mere 12 cm in length, is adorned with a glossy red head in males and a more subdued grey-brown plumage in females. It is a creature of the mangroves, flitting actively from flower to flower in search of nectar and insects.

Identification Tips

Males of the species are easily identified by their striking red heads, necks, and rumps, contrasting sharply with their brown upperparts and grey-brown underparts. Females, on the other hand, are predominantly grey-brown with a subtle pink-red hue on the forehead and chin. Both sexes possess a down-curved bill, ideal for their nectarivorous habits, and a short tail that complements their compact bodies.


The Red-headed Myzomela thrives in subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, a habitat that provides ample nectar and insects for feeding, as well as shelter and nesting sites. These birds are also known to inhabit paperbark thickets adjacent to mangroves.


This species is found across the tropical coastlines of Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Two subspecies are recognized: M. e. erythrocephala in Australia and M. e. infuscata in New Guinea. Despite its wide distribution, the Red-headed Myzomela is not abundant within its range.


The Red-headed Myzomela is typically observed alone or in pairs, though it may occasionally associate with other mangrove-feeding birds. It is known for its inquisitive nature and will investigate any disturbances within its territory. Males are particularly territorial, engaging in mid-air grappling with rivals.

Song & Calls

The vocal repertoire of the Red-headed Myzomela includes a variety of metallic or scratchy calls and songs. Its song consists of a series of abrupt "tchwip" notes, while its contact call is a softer "swip-swip" sound. When threatened, it emits a scolding "charrk-charrk."


Little is documented about the breeding behaviour of the Red-headed Myzomela. However, it is known to construct a small cup-shaped nest within the mangroves, laying two to three white eggs adorned with red blotches.

Similar Species

The Red-headed Myzomela can be confused with the Scarlet Myzomela, which resides in woodlands rather than mangroves. The Dusky Myzomela is similar to the female Red-headed Myzomela but is larger and lacks red markings around the bill.

Diet and Feeding

This species is primarily arboreal, feeding on nectar and insects found in the crowns of mangroves and other flowering trees. It is a vital pollinator for certain mangrove species and may travel some distance to feed on plants in bloom.

Conservation status

The Red-headed Myzomela is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, with a widespread population. However, the Australian population of the subspecies M. e. infuscata is considered near threatened due to its limited distribution. Rising sea levels pose a potential threat to this mangrove specialist.

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Red-headed Myzomelas on Birda


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