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Species Guide
A photo of a Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus)
Lanner Falcon

Lanner Falcon

Falco biarmicus

The Lanner Falcon, scientifically known as Falco biarmicus, is a medium-sized bird of prey with a robust build. It exhibits a wingspan of 95–105 cm (37–41 in) and a body length ranging from 43–50 cm (17–20 in). The plumage of the Eurasian subspecies, Falco biarmicus feldeggi, is typically slate grey or brown-grey on the upperparts, while African subspecies often display a paler blue-grey. A distinctive feature is the reddish hue on the back of the head. Both sexes appear similar, but the juveniles are browner and may be mistaken for saker falcons, although sakers have a lighter crown and less defined facial patterns.

Identification Tips

When identifying the Lanner Falcon, look for its reddish nape and streaked breast in northern birds. The call of the Lanner is a harsh "wray-e," which can aid in identification. Juveniles may be confused with saker falcons but can be distinguished by their blue facial skin and the overall similarity in appearance.


Lanner Falcons favor open environments, ranging from forest edges to deserts. They are most commonly found in open savannahs and sour grasslands. In South Africa, they are prevalent in the eastern grasslands and migrate to various habitats such as Fynbos, Nama Karoo, and Southern Kalahari outside the breeding season.


This species is native to Africa, southeast Europe, and parts of Asia. They are mainly resident birds, but some may disperse after the breeding season. They are not considered migratory but may move locally in response to environmental factors such as seasonal rains and altitude changes.


Lanner Falcons exhibit a variety of hunting techniques, including horizontal pursuit and stooping from a height. They are known for their cooperative hunting, particularly when targeting jackdaws. During the breeding season, pairs engage in synchronized soaring and diving displays. The female primarily tends to the young post-fledging, with the male taking over when the female hunts.

Song & Calls

The Lanner Falcon's vocalization is a distinctive and harsh "wray-e," which can be heard during interactions between individuals or when alarmed.


Breeding season for Lanner Falcons is marked by a laying period in July, with the strategy to fledge young before the summer's heat, heavy rains, and the arrival of migratory birds. The incubation period is approximately 32 days, and the nesting period is around 44 days. Juveniles may remain near the nest for up to ten weeks post-fledging.

Similar Species

The Lanner Falcon can be confused with the saker falcon, but the latter has a lighter head and less distinct facial patterns. Juvenile Lanners may also resemble saker falcons but can be differentiated by their blue facial skin.

Diet and Feeding

Lanner Falcons primarily prey on birds such as doves, pigeons, and domestic fowl. They have also been observed hunting small mammals, reptiles, and invertebrates. In Africa and Israel, they are known to prey on bats.

Conservation status

The Lanner Falcon is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. However, their numbers are declining in Europe and North Africa, though they remain relatively common in parts of Africa. Threats include direct human impacts such as nest robbery and indirect factors like habitat loss and pesticide use.

Lanner Falcon Sounds

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