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Species Guide

Indigobirds, Whydahs

Indigobirds and whydahs are part of the Viduidae family, small finch-like African birds known for their mainly black or indigo plumage; the breeding males of whydahs feature notably long tails. They are unique as obligate brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of estrildid finches, preferring firefinches or pytilias, depending on the species, without harming the host's eggs. Recognizing hosts is crucial; for instance, the village indigobird is often associated with red-billed firefinches. These birds' remarkable ability to mimic their host's song is essential for mating; females select males that sing the same song, maintaining the species-specific parasitic relationship. Speciation within this group is largely driven by their host matching, indicating they are recently evolved species. The Viduidae family encompasses two genera: Vidua, which includes various indigobirds like the village, purple, Jambandu, and different types of whydahs, such as the pin-tailed and shaft-tailed; and Anomalospiza, with the cuckoo-finch, also known as the parasitic weaver.


Barka Indigobird

Vidua larvaticola


Anomalospiza imberbis

Exclamatory Paradise Whydah

Vidua interjecta

Jambandu Indigobird

Vidua raricola
A photo of a Long-tailed Paradise Whydah (Vidua paradisaea) , male

Long-tailed Paradise Whydah

Vidua paradisaea
A photo of a Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura) , male

Pin-tailed Whydah

Vidua macroura

Sahel Paradise Whydah

Vidua orientalis

Steel-blue Whydah

Vidua hypocherina

Straw-tailed Whydah

Vidua fischeri
A photo of a Village Indigobird (Vidua chalybeata) , male

Village Indigobird

Vidua chalybeata

Wilson's Indigobird

Vidua wilsoni
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Talli A
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As a young birdwatcher who was always keen to be apart of a community but never seemed to find one, my problem was solved downloading this!!! Everyone is so friendly and just as excited to see birds as me 😁
Really great app
It’s easy to use and it’s fun to log the birds you notice on a walk or just in your garden. There’s a option to record the birds you see in a session which is really nice. Good excuse to stop for a while and just watch birds. I am also enjoying the information part where you can find out fact about birds from all over the world.
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Simply fantastic
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Great app
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