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Species Guide
A photo of a Pin-tailed Whydah (Vidua macroura), male
Pin-tailed Whydah, Male

Pin-tailed Whydah

Vidua macroura

The Pin-tailed Whydah, Vidua macroura, presents a striking figure, particularly the male during breeding season with his elongated tail feathers that trail behind him like a banner. This small songbird is a resident breeder across much of Africa, south of the Sahara Desert.

Identification Tips

In breeding plumage, the male Pin-tailed Whydah is unmistakable with his black back and crown, and a tail that extends an additional 20 centimeters beyond his 12-13 centimeter body. His wings are dark brown with white patches, and his underparts and head, save for the crown, are white. A bright red bill completes his bold attire. Females and non-breeding males are more subdued, with streaked brown upperparts, whitish underparts with buff flanks, and a buff and black face pattern. They lack the long tail but retain the red bill, while immature birds are similar to the female but plainer with a greyish bill.


The Pin-tailed Whydah is found in grasslands, scrubs, and savannahs, and is also known to frequent parks and gardens within its range.


This species is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. It has also established populations in Portugal, particularly around Aveiro, and has been introduced to southern California, Puerto Rico, and Singapore.


The male Pin-tailed Whydah is known for his territorial nature and elaborate courtship displays, which include an impressive flight pattern to showcase his tail to potential mates. He often has several females within his territory. The species is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nests of estrildid finches, particularly waxbills, without harming the host's eggs. The nestling whydahs mimic the gape pattern of the host species' fledglings.

Song & Calls

The male's song, performed from a high perch, is a series of rapid squeaks and churring sounds, forming part of his courtship ritual.

Diet and Feeding

The Pin-tailed Whydah's diet consists primarily of seeds and grain, which it forages from the ground.

Conservation Status

The species is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, indicating it is not at immediate risk of widespread decline.

Pin-tailed Whydah Sounds

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