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Species Guide

New Zealand Storm Petrel

Fregetta maoriana

The New Zealand storm petrel, Fregetta maoriana, is a diminutive seabird with a striking plumage. Above, it is cloaked in dark brown or black, save for a conspicuous white rump. The underparts are a contrast of black from throat to breast, transitioning to a white belly adorned with black streaking. Notably, the bird's feet extend well beyond its tail when in flight.

Identification Tips

To distinguish the New Zealand storm petrel from its avian compatriots, look for its unique pale bar on the upper wing and the narrow white panel on the underwings. Its longer legs and dark webs to the feet set it apart from similar species, such as Wilson's storm petrel. The white belly with streaking is another distinctive feature to aid identification.


Endemic to New Zealand, the New Zealand storm petrel was once thought extinct but has been rediscovered thriving in the Hauraki Gulf. Its pelagic nature outside the breeding season renders it a rare sight, as it spends this time exclusively at sea.


The New Zealand storm petrel exhibits strictly nocturnal habits at breeding sites. Its limited walking ability is overshadowed by its exceptional flying and swimming skills.


After a long period of mystery surrounding its breeding habits, a site on Little Barrier Island was discovered in 2013. The first egg, a delicate white adorned with a dusting of pink spots, was found in February 2014, measuring 31 mm by 23 mm.

Similar Species

Wilson's storm petrel is the most commonly confused species with the New Zealand storm petrel. However, the latter can be differentiated by its white belly with streaking and the pale bar on the upper wing.

Conservation status

The New Zealand storm petrel is classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN and Nationally Vulnerable by New Zealand's Threat Classification System. With an estimated population of fewer than 2000 individuals, conservation efforts are crucial for its survival.

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More Austral Storm Petrels

A photo of a White-bellied Storm Petrel (Fregetta grallaria)

White-bellied Storm Petrel

Fregetta grallaria
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