The Chinstrap Penguin, Pygoscelis antarcticus, is a striking species with a characteristic black band under its head, reminiscent of a helmet strap, from which it derives its name. This medium-sized penguin stands between 68–76 cm in height and weighs between 3.2–5.3 kg, with males typically larger than females. Its flippers are black with a white edge, and the inner sides are white. The face is white extending behind the reddish-brown eyes, while the chin and throat are also white. The bill is short and black, and the legs and webbed feet are a robust pink.
When identifying the Chinstrap Penguin, look for the unique narrow black band under the head and the white face that extends behind the eyes. The contrast between the black back and white underside is a classic countershading pattern, providing camouflage in the water.
Chinstrap Penguins are found on a variety of islands and shores within the Southern Pacific and Antarctic Oceans.
This species has a circumpolar distribution, breeding in regions including Antarctica, Argentina, Bouvet Island, Chile, the French Southern Territories, and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Vagrant individuals have been recorded as far afield as New Zealand, Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha, and South Africa.
Chinstrap Penguins are known for their aggressive temperament. They construct circular stone nests and lay two eggs, which are incubated in shifts by both parents. The chicks, with fluffy grey backs and white fronts, join crèches after 20–30 days and fledge at around 50–60 days old. Remarkably, these penguins engage in microsleeps throughout the day, accumulating significant sleep in brief seconds-long bouts.
The species is sometimes called the "stonecracker penguin" due to its loud, harsh call.
Both male and female Chinstrap Penguins share the duty of incubating their eggs in shifts of approximately six days. The eggs hatch after about 37 days, and the chicks remain in the nest for up to a month before joining crèches.
Chinstrap Penguins feed on small fish, krill, shrimp, and squid. They are adept swimmers, traveling up to 80 km offshore daily to forage. Their feathers are tightly packed for waterproofing, and they have thick blubber and specialized blood vessels to conserve heat in frigid waters.
As of 2016, the IUCN lists the Chinstrap Penguin as Least Concern, with an estimated population of around 8 million. However, the population is believed to be decreasing due to climate change, which affects the abundance of krill, and other threats such as volcanic activity and human fishing activities. A notable decline has been observed on Elephant Island, with a 50% reduction in population over the past fifty years.
The Chinstrap Penguin can be distinguished from other penguin species by its unique facial markings and the black band under its head. It shares its genus with the Adélie and Gentoo Penguins, which have different plumage patterns and lack the distinctive "chinstrap."