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Species Guide
A photo of a Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow (Melozone kieneri)
Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow

Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow

Melozone kieneri

The Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow, known scientifically as Melozone kieneri, is a modestly sized bird, stretching from six to seven inches in length. It is adorned with a distinctive rufous crown, which gives rise to its common name.

Identification Tips

Adults of this species can be recognized by their rufous crown, complemented by a white lore spot. Their faces are an olive brown, set off by a white eye ring, while the upper parts are a grayish olive. The throat and underparts are a crisp white, punctuated by a singular black central chest spot. The undertail coverts are a soft pale cinnamon. In contrast, juveniles display a dusky brown on their upper parts and a dirty pale lemon on their throat and underparts, which are streaked with brown.


The Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow is a denizen of subtropical or tropical dry forests, as well as subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland. It is also found in areas of heavily degraded former forest.


This bird is endemic to western and southwestern Mexico, making its home in the Sierra Madre Occidental range and the Cordillera Neovolcanica mountain belt.

Conservation Status

The IUCN Red List has classified the Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow as Least Concern, indicating that, at present, there are no immediate threats to its population levels that would warrant a more urgent conservation status.

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Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrows on Birda

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James Leone
25 Mar 2024 - 10:43pm

More New World Sparrows

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