The Orange-billed Sparrow, Arremon aurantiirostris, presents a striking appearance with its contrasting plumage and distinctive bill coloration. This bird is a member of the Passerellidae family, known for its robust build and skulking behavior.
When observing this species, look for the characteristic black plumage that adorns its body. The most notable feature, from which it derives its name, is the vibrant orange bill, a vivid splash of color against the darker feathers.
The Orange-billed Sparrow favors the lush environment of subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. These verdant habitats provide the cover and resources it requires.
This bird has a broad range across Central and South America. It can be found in the forests of Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Its range extends into northwestern South America, including Colombia, Ecuador, and northern Peru.
The IUCN Red List categorizes the Orange-billed Sparrow as Least Concern, indicating that, currently, there are no immediate threats to its population levels that would warrant a higher degree of conservation action.