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Species Guide

Olive-crowned Flowerpecker

Dicaeum pectorale

The Olive-crowned Flowerpecker, a diminutive avian jewel, graces the forests of western New Guinea and adjacent islands. Males of this species are adorned with olive green plumage on their upperparts, complemented by a greyish-green belly. A striking white throat and a vivid scarlet breast patch add a dash of brilliance, while females, though similar in hue, lack the scarlet adornment. This species tips the scales at a mere 7 to 7.8 grams and measures around 9 centimeters in length.

Identification Tips

When attempting to identify the Olive-crowned Flowerpecker, look for the male's distinctive scarlet breast patch, which is absent in females. Both sexes exhibit olive green upperparts and a lighter, yellowish-white abdomen. The juveniles resemble females but with a more olive-toned belly.


These birds are denizens of the forest canopy, thriving up to altitudes of 1,500 meters, though they have been spotted as high as 2,350 meters. They are a common to uncommon sight within their preferred habitat.


The Olive-crowned Flowerpecker is endemic to the lowlands of western New Guinea and is also found on the nearby islands of Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, and Misool, with a separate subspecies on Gebe Island.


Solitary or in pairs, these flowerpeckers flit through the canopy, foraging with a particular fondness for figs and mistletoe. They also occasionally indulge in spiders, adding a touch of protein to their fruity diet.

Song & Calls

The vocal repertoire of this species includes a short, insect-like buzz, a high, upslurred note, and a drawn-out "chew" sound, which they repeat at intervals.

Diet and Feeding

The Olive-crowned Flowerpecker primarily feeds on fruit, with a special preference for figs and mistletoe berries. They supplement their diet with spiders, foraging predominantly in the forest canopy.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List classifies the Olive-crowned Flowerpecker as Least Concern, indicating a stable population without immediate threats to its survival.

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Olive-crowned Flowerpeckers on Birda

A map showing the sighting location
Profile picture for Owen Robertson
Owen Robertson
07 Nov 2019 - 12:00am

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A photo of a Yellow-vented Flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)

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Dicaeum chrysorrheum
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Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
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