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A photo of a White-starred Robin (Pogonocichla stellata)
White-starred Robin

White-starred Robin

Pogonocichla stellata

The White-starred Robin, or Pogonocichla stellata, is a small, vividly colored bird with a bright yellow breast and belly. Its head is a slate color adorned with distinctive white spots at the eyes and throat, and its wings carry a hint of blue. This species is monotypic within its genus and exhibits sexual monomorphism, meaning males and females share a similar appearance.

Identification Tips

Adults of the nominate race boast a slate-grey head with white eye and throat spots. Their mantle is moss-green, transitioning to olive-green on the wings, while the rest of the wings are bluish-grey. The tail is black with yellow lateral stripes, and the legs are a soft pinkish hue. Juveniles are distinguishable by their blackish-brown upperparts with golden flecks and yellow underparts with brown scaling.


The White-starred Robin thrives in moist evergreen forests with a rich understory of shrubs and vines. It can also be found in forest edges, plantations, and occasionally in bamboo or heath zones at higher elevations.


This species is widely distributed across East and southern Africa, with its presence ranging from montane forests in the north to sea-level habitats further south. It is a partial migrant, moving to lower altitudes during the winter months, particularly in the southern parts of its range.


The White-starred Robin is a territorial bird, often seen foraging alone or in pairs. It exhibits altitudinal migration, with some populations descending to lower elevations during the non-breeding season.

Song & Calls

The robin's vocalizations are geographically variable, with both sexes singing a quiet territorial song from near the ground. The courtship call is a sustained "wiii wii wiii," while the loud contact call varies by subspecies, ranging from a disyllabic "too-twii" to a more complex multisyllabic sequence.


Breeding seasons vary across the range, with the timing influenced by altitude and regional climate. The robin constructs a unique domed nest, camouflaged against the forest floor or elevated on a trunk or bank. Females lay two to three eggs, which they incubate alone.

Similar Species

While the White-starred Robin is monotypic, it can be confused with other robin species. However, its distinctive eye and throat spots, as well as its unique song, aid in differentiation.

Diet and Feeding

The diet is predominantly insectivorous, with beetles, moths, and ants being staple food items. Fruits are also consumed, with a variety of plant genera represented in their diet.

Conservation status

The White-starred Robin is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating a stable population across its extensive range.

White-starred Robin Sounds

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