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A photo of a Rattling Cisticola (Cisticola chiniana)
Rattling Cisticola

Rattling Cisticola

Cisticola chiniana

The Rattling Cisticola, Cisticola chiniana, is a small, sprightly bird belonging to the Cisticolidae family. It is a bird that is native to the diverse landscapes of Africa, south of the equator, and parts of East Africa.

Identification Tips

This species is characterized by its streaked appearance and a distinctive rufous cap. When perched, one may notice its tail is typically held upright, and its flight is undulating, which aids in identification.


The Rattling Cisticola thrives in a variety of savanna and scrubland habitats, from arid to moist and upland regions. It has a particular affinity for environments dominated by thorn trees or shrubs, such as those of the genera Dichrostachys. It is also a common sight in miombo and mopane woodlands, as well as the Mozambican coastal plain.


This bird's range extends across a swath of the African continent, including Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Congo, DRC, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


The Rattling Cisticola is particularly conspicuous during the summer months, when it can be seen—or more often heard—delivering its strident calls from prominent perches atop trees or bushes.

Song & Calls

Its call is a distinctive and repetitive sound that can be transcribed as "chee-chee chichi-chirrrrr," although there is some variation among individuals.


Breeding for the Rattling Cisticola occurs in the wet season, during spring and summer. They construct a ball-shaped nest from coarse grass blades, which is then delicately lined with finer plant material.

Similar Species

The Tinkling Cisticola occupies similar habitats but can be distinguished by its preference for stunted broad-leaved and dry deciduous woodlands on sandy substrates. Various other Cisticola species may be found in marshy areas, while Prinia species may co-occur in some regions.

Conservation status

The Rattling Cisticola is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating that, at present, there are no immediate threats to its population numbers that would warrant a higher level of concern.

Rattling Cisticola Sounds

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