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Species Guide
A photo of a Violet-green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina), male
Violet-green Swallow, Male

Violet-green Swallow

Tachycineta thalassina

The Violet-green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) is a small, strikingly colored bird with a glossy green upper body and hints of purple on the nape, rump, and upper tail. The underparts are white, extending into distinctive white rump side-patches that nearly meet at the base of the tail. This species exhibits slight sexual dimorphism, with males displaying brighter colors than females.

Identification Tips

To identify the Violet-green Swallow, look for its long pointed wings and streamlined body, adapted for agile flight and insect catching. The white rump side-patches are key distinguishing features, along with the green and purple hues on the upper body. The tail has a shallow notch, and juveniles have a more subdued coloration with less pronounced white cheek patches.


Violet-green Swallows inhabit a variety of environments, including deciduous and coniferous forests, canyons, and areas near large cliffs. They are also known to nest around human settlements.


This species is primarily found along the west coast of North America, from Alaska to Mexico, and as far east as Montana and Texas. They are summer residents in the northern parts of their range and winter in Mexico.


Violet-green Swallows are social birds, often seen in flocks. They are agile flyers, catching insects mid-air. Males are known to guard their mates vigilantly to ensure paternity.

Song & Calls

The Violet-green Swallow has two main vocalizations: the "chee-chee" call, used in social interactions and parent-juvenile recognition, and the "twitter" call, associated with courtship and territorial displays.


These swallows are secondary cavity nesters, preferring natural holes or cavities previously used by other species. They typically lay an average of 5 eggs per clutch, with the breeding season starting in May.

Similar Species

The Violet-green Swallow is often confused with the Tree Swallow but can be differentiated by its shorter wings, distinct coloration, and white rump patches.

Diet and Feeding

As aerial insectivores, Violet-green Swallows feed on a variety of flying insects and occasionally spiders. They tend to forage higher in the sky compared to other swallows.

Conservation status

The Violet-green Swallow is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating a stable population without significant threats at this time.

Violet-green Swallow Sounds

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