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Species Guide

Mexican Chickadee

Poecile sclateri

The Mexican chickadee, Poecile sclateri, is a diminutive songbird belonging to the tit family Paridae. Exhibiting a length of 12.5–13.5 cm, a wingspan of 18–21 cm, and a weight range of 7.5–11 g, this species is a charming presence in its natural habitat.

Identification Tips

Both male and female Mexican chickadees possess a striking black cap and white cheeks, complemented by a short black bill. Their backs and flanks are cloaked in shades of gray, while their underparts are a lighter gray. A distinctive feature is the extended black bib, stretching from the chin to the upper breast, and a white band that traces down the belly's center, setting them apart from their relatives, the black-capped and mountain chickadees.


These birds are permanent residents of the wooded highlands, where they find sanctuary and sustenance.


The Mexican chickadee's range is primarily within western, central, and northeastern Mexico, with its territory just reaching into the southeastern fringes of Arizona and southwestern New Mexico in the United States.


Nonmigratory for the most part, these chickadees may venture to lower altitudes during the winter's chill. They are often seen in pairs or small groups and are known to participate in multi-species feeding flocks.

Song & Calls

The vocalizations of the Mexican chickadee are a delightful symphony, distinct from its kin. Its song is a complex, burry trilled whistle, articulated as "chischu-wur" and a melodious "cheelee."


The female takes the lead in nest construction, utilizing a variety of materials such as grasses, moss, bark strips, and lining it with animal fur. Nesting sites are chosen within snags or tree cavities, sometimes up to 18 meters above the ground. Clutches typically consist of five to eight ovate white eggs, delicately marked with reddish-brown spots. While the breeding biology remains somewhat enigmatic, it is believed that the female incubates the eggs for 11–14 days, and the altricial young take their first flight within 18–21 days.

Conservation Status

The Mexican chickadee is currently classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, indicating a stable population within its natural range.

Mexican Chickadee Sounds

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Mexican Chickadees on Birda


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