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Species Guide

Pale-billed Sicklebill

Drepanornis bruijnii

The pale-billed sicklebill (Drepanornis bruijnii) is a species of sicklebill that belongs to the family Paradisaeidae, which contains the birds-of-paradise.

Pale-billed sicklebills are on the more medium-sized side of the family Paradisaeidae; they seldom reach over 35 cm in length. They are among the least attractive birds-of-paradise, being a dull brownish-olive on their upperside, with a greyish-brown underside. Their heads are dark brown, and one of their most noticeable features are lead-grey bare facial patches surrounding each eye and covering most of the head; there are also two iridescent tufts rising above the head. Unlike their congener's bill, they have a pale, ivory-ish colored, downcurved bill. The ornaments present on the male are relatively extensive pectoral feathers in rows on the sides of the breast and belly. The pectoral feathers highest on the breast (on each side) are dark greyish with coppery red to reddish iridescent tips; the rest of the pectoral plumes on the sides have more of a greenish-copper iridescence to their tips.

The female of this species is, for the most part, similar to the male. She has no iridescent feathers, and is of lighter weight than the male. She does have the bare facial patches like the male, but not as extensive. Instead of a greyish underside, she is barred below, starting from her chin to her rump. Her wings and lower neck are also a lighter dull brownish-olive. Both sexes have a rufous to buff-colored tail, purplish-lead grey legs and feet, and dark brown irises.

The call of the pale-billed sicklebill consists of musical whistling and some high pitched notes.

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Hip An
Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
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