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Species Guide

New Zealand Fantail

Rhipidura fuliginosa

The New Zealand fantail, known as Rhipidura fuliginosa, is a small, active bird, distinguished by its fanned tail and agile movements. It exhibits a mid to dark grey or grey-brown coloration above, with a yellowish/orange underbelly. A striking dark band lies across the chest, contrasting with a white throat and eye markings. The tail, comprising half of the bird's 16 cm length, is often fanned, displaying the lighter outer feathers and darker central ones. A rarer "black fantail" morph exists, predominantly dark except for a white spot behind the eye.

Identification Tips

To identify the New Zealand fantail, look for its distinctive fanned tail and the contrast between the dark band across the chest and the white throat. The bird's constant movement and fluttering flight are also characteristic. Juveniles resemble adults but have a more subdued, browner coloration and less distinct markings.


Fantails are commonly found flitting about in forested areas and suburban gardens, where they remain almost incessantly active during daylight hours.


This species is endemic to New Zealand, with subspecies distributed across the South Island (R. f. fuliginosa), North Island (R. f. placabilis), and the Chatham Islands (R. f. penita). The Lord Howe Island subspecies (R. f. cervina) is now extinct.


The New Zealand fantail is a restless bird, constantly on the move as it searches for flying insects. It is known for its lack of shyness, often approaching within meters of humans, capitalizing on disturbances we cause to flush out prey. In colder temperatures, fantails may congregate to conserve warmth.

Song & Calls

The fantail's call is a distinctive, almost metallic "cheek," which can be heard as a single note or a rapid chattering sequence.


Breeding season varies by region, with nests being compact cups of moss, bark, and spider's web, often in tree forks. Both sexes share in nest building and incubation, with a typical clutch of three to four cream, grey, and brown-spotted eggs. Incubation lasts about two weeks, and fledglings from a first brood may still be fed while a second brood is being incubated.

Similar Species

The New Zealand fantail is unique in its range, but the "black fantail" morph could be confused with other dark-plumaged birds. However, the white spot behind the eye and the behavior are distinguishing features.

Diet and Feeding

Insectivorous by nature, the fantail captures small flying insects, often taking advantage of the disturbances caused by larger animals or humans to flush out prey.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List classifies the New Zealand fantail as Least Concern, indicating a stable population without significant threats to its survival.

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A photo of a White-throated Fantail (Rhipidura albicollis)

White-throated Fantail

Rhipidura albicollis
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