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Species Guide

New Britain Friarbird

Philemon cockerelli

The New Britain friarbird, known scientifically as Philemon cockerelli, is a distinguished member of the Meliphagidae family. This avian species is remarkable for its presence solely on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea.

Identification Tips

When observing the New Britain friarbird, one should note its robust size and the characteristic bare skin on its face, which is a common trait within its genus. The plumage is typically nondescript, allowing it to blend seamlessly into the forest canopy.


The New Britain friarbird is an inhabitant of the lush subtropical and tropical moist lowland forests, as well as the verdant subtropical and tropical moist montane forests. These environments provide the bird with ample food sources and nesting sites.


This species is endemic to Papua New Guinea, with its range restricted to the island of New Britain. It is a bird that has adapted to the unique ecological conditions of this specific geographic location.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List has classified the New Britain friarbird as Least Concern. This status indicates that, currently, there are no immediate threats to the population levels of this species that would warrant a higher degree of conservation urgency.

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A great app
Enjoying it immensely and finding it useful too. Recording the different birds and counting them is showing me how the present climate is affecting them all. I've trebled the numbers by planting native hedging. A great app.
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Hip An
Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
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Super friendly community <3 This app got me interested in birding! It teaches me cool stuff and its super friendly, and fun :) The species guide is really developing my knowledge, and i love seeing cool new birds from round the world!
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