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Species Guide
A photo of a Crested Barbet (Trachyphonus vaillantii)
Crested Barbet

Crested Barbet

Trachyphonus vaillantii

The crested barbet, Trachyphonus vaillantii, is a small, vibrantly colored bird, easily recognized by its thick bill and speckled plumage. Its face is a mosaic of yellow and red, adorned with a modest black crest. The belly mirrors the face with yellow and red speckles, while the wings are black with white dots. A striking black band encircles its neck. The bird's overall yellow hue, peppered with black and white feathers and red at the body's end, provides excellent camouflage in its natural bush habitat. The crested barbet's call is a distinctive trill.

Identification Tips

When identifying the crested barbet, look for its unique coloration and markings. The combination of a yellow and red speckled face, a small black crest, and a broad black neck band are key features. The bird's trilling call can also serve as an auditory clue to its presence.


The crested barbet thrives in a variety of environments, including forests, savannahs, suburban gardens, woodland thickets, and areas near watercourses.


This species is widely distributed across sub-Saharan Africa, with sightings confirmed in Angola, Botswana, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


Crested barbets are typically observed alone or in pairs. They exhibit a preference for foraging on the ground but are also known to vocalize from exposed branches. Their flight is limited and typically consists of short bursts. These birds roost in tree cavities and are highly territorial, often aggressively defending their space against other birds and even larger threats like rats and snakes.

Song & Calls

The male crested barbet is renowned for its continuous trill, a call that can persist for extended durations, serving as a vocal beacon within its habitat.


Crested barbets are monogamous and territorial during the breeding season. They nest in tree holes or logs, with territory size varying by habitat. Their breeding season spans from September to December, during which they may lay one to five eggs at daily intervals. Incubation, primarily by the female, lasts between 13 and 17 days starting from the second or third egg. The hatchlings are altricial, being naked and blind at birth, and are fed insects by both parents. After about 31 days, the fledglings leave the nest, and up to five broods may be raised in a single season.

Diet and Feeding

The crested barbet's diet is omnivorous, consisting of insects, other birds' eggs, fruits, and occasionally small mammals like mice.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List classifies the crested barbet as Least Concern, indicating that the species does not currently face any significant threats to its survival.

Crested Barbet Sounds

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Crested Barbet Fun Facts

Did you know?
The Crested Barbet has the nickname 'fruit salad' after its random plumage colourations and its partially frugivore diet.

Crested Barbets on Birda


More African Barbets

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