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Species Guide
A photo of a Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco)
Toco Toucan

Toco Toucan

Ramphastos toco

The Toco Toucan, Ramphastos toco, stands as the largest member of the toucan family, Ramphastidae. It boasts a striking plumage with a predominantly black body contrasted by a white throat, chest, and upper tail-coverts, and vivid red undertail-coverts. Its most prominent feature is the substantial yellow-orange beak adorned with a black base and a pronounced spot at the tip.

Identification Tips

This species is unmistakable due to its sizeable bill, which is not only colorful but also the largest relative to body size among birds. The Toco Toucan's eye is typically brown, encircled by a narrow blue ring, with the surrounding orbital skin ranging from sulfur yellow to orange. Juveniles appear duller with shorter bills compared to adults.


The Toco Toucan favors semi-open habitats over continuous forests, thriving in environments such as the Brazilian cerrado, gallery forests, and the Pantanal wetlands. It is known to reside at altitudes up to 1,750 meters.


Endemic to South America, the Toco Toucan's range extends from the Guianas southward to northern Argentina and Uruguay. Its distribution is expanding southwards, with recent sightings beyond its previously known limits.


The Toco Toucan is less gregarious than its cousins, often seen foraging alone or in small groups. It exhibits a hopping movement through the treetops and is known for its undulating flight pattern. After the breeding season, it may form large flocks in search of fruit.

Song & Calls

Its vocal repertoire includes a variety of grunting, croaking, and snoring sounds reminiscent of toads. The Toco Toucan's calls are deeper and less resonant compared to similar species, with a slower pace in the rapid sections of its calls.


Breeding behavior is seasonal, with variations depending on the region. Nests are typically made in tree hollows, and both parents share the responsibility of incubating the eggs, which hatch after 17-18 days. Chicks fledge approximately 43-52 days post-hatching.

Similar Species

While visually distinct, the Toco Toucan's calls may be confused with those of the Red-breasted and Channel-billed Toucans. However, its vocalizations are notably deeper.

Diet and Feeding

The Toco Toucan is a generalist frugivore, primarily consuming fleshy fruits such as figs, supplemented by insects, eggs, and nestlings of other birds. Its diet varies with habitat, and it plays a crucial role as a seed disperser.

Conservation status

The Toco Toucan is classified as Least Concern by BirdLife International. Its preference for open habitats may benefit from deforestation, although it is hunted for meat and the pet trade, which could impact its population.

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