The Little Paradise-Kingfisher, known scientifically as Tanysiptera hydrocharis, is a diminutive and vibrant member of the Alcedinidae family. It bears a resemblance to its relative, the Common Paradise Kingfisher, but is notably smaller in stature.
This species can be identified by its more modest size compared to the Common Paradise Kingfisher. Juveniles display a grey-brown plumage with buff undersides, and a distinctive short tail that is a striking blue.
The Little Paradise-Kingfisher is native to the lush and verdant realms of the Aru Islands and the southern regions of New Guinea.
One can find this species gracing the Aru Islands and southern New Guinea with its presence.
The conservation status of the Little Paradise-Kingfisher is currently listed as Data Deficient by the IUCN, indicating that more information is needed to fully assess the state of its population and threats it may face.