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Streaked Scrub Warbler

The streaked scrub warbler (Scotocerca inquieta) is a small desert-dwelling bird found in northern Africa and southwestern Asia. This grey-brown warbler with dark streaks, a pale supercilium, and a thin black eyestripe is notable for its skulking behavior and a distinctive tail that is often cocked over its back. It frequents scrubby areas, wadis, ravines, and gorges and remains mainly resident throughout the year, although it may exhibit some local movement after the breeding season. It is the sole species in its genus and family, Scotocercidae, with eight recognized subspecies. Authorities sometimes debate the taxonomy, categorizing it and closely-related families differently. Their nests are domed structures lined with natural materials and are built low in scrubs, with clutches averaging 2-5 eggs. The streaked scrub warbler's diet consists mainly of insects, but includes seeds in winter, and it forages both on the ground and in vegetation. Despite having a wide range and varied population densities, no significant threats have been identified, and it is classified as "least concern" by the IUCN. Its song is unique and described as "zit-zit dweedle-doolredle-doleed".


Streaked Scrub Warbler

Scotocerca inquieta
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Safira V
Birding and wellbeing app
Birda is an excellent platform to share your love of Birding and is a great tool of encouragement for a Birding Beginner like me. Birda has a very kind and supportive community of Birding enthusiasts. For me BIRDA is not only a BIRDING but also a WELLBEING App.
Makes you want to spot birds more
I think this app is fun. It makes you want to spot birds more so I guess in a way it encourages you to get out and about instead of sitting in front of the TV.
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I really enjoy using Birda, all sightings are recorded and photos can be added. There are monthly challenges which help to get you out to record your sightings. The Birda community are great and are happy to help with unidentified bird sightings. Suitable for all ages and experience!
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I’ve been using the app for a couple of months and love it....Someone said it’s like a real life Pokémon Go for birds. They’re not far off! It’s something that the family can do that gets you out and about. Well worth downloading no matter your age.
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I'm still loving this app. I use it most days & gets me outdoors more. Enjoying watching others progress and photo's, it's improved my wellbeing.... I love this app! I can keep a record of sightings and see what others have seen too.
Fantastic App
This is a really lovely app, for everyone interested in birds - from newbies to old hands. There is a very friendly feel to the community and you will genuinely learn a lot as you record your sightings and photos. There are lots of badges and competitions to keep you engaged, and a host of really useful features.
Terrific App for Birders
Downloaded Birda around the time my interest in birding was sparked, and it has been a terrific app to help me (1) share my experience, (2) document my sightings, and (3) learn more about birds in general. That said, I also believe Birda is a fantastic app for birders of all experience levels. Great community!
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Great app to use for logging and communicating with others who are interested in birds
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I’m relatively new to birding as a hobby, and Birda is a great way to keep track off all the species I see. I’m still working on my ID skills, but the app is great for figuring out potential species, and the online community is so friendly and helpful. Definitely recommend Birda to both early and serious birders! 🐦
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