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Species Guide


Woodpeckers, part of the family Picidae which includes piculets, wrynecks, and sapsuckers, are found globally except in Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Madagascar, and the extreme polar regions. These birds primarily inhabit forests, but some can live in treeless areas like deserts, and the Gila woodpecker has even adapted to cacti. Recognized for pecking at tree trunks to forage for insects and larvae, woodpeckers communicate by drumming on trees, a sound audible from a distance. Their diets can include fruits, small animals, tree sap, and human scraps. Woodpeckers nest in holes they excavate in trees, which become habitats for other species once abandoned. Occasionally, woodpeckers come into conflict with humans by drilling into buildings or feeding on crops. The Picidae family, belonging to the Piciformes order, encompasses about 240 species in 35 genera, with nearly 20 species at risk of extinction because of habitat loss. Woodpeckers possess varied sizes, ranging from the tiny bar-breasted piculet to the large great slaty woodpecker; their plumage too varies from drab for camouflage to conspicuous patterns with bold colors. Notably sexually dimorphic, these birds have zygodactyl feet (two toes facing forward and two back), enabling them to grasp tree trunks for vertical movement. These adaptations, along with their strong claws, legs, and stiffened tail feathers (except for piculets and wrynecks), allow for efficient climbing and pecking. Their beaks are strong and adapted for drumming and drilling, while their tongues are long and sticky, aiding in extracting food from crevices. Woodpeckers protect their brains from the impact of pecking through several anatomical adaptations. They also exhibit various flight patterns, are mostly sedentary, and prefer forests but can adapt to other habitats. Woodpeckers engage in different behaviors, with some living solitarily while others form groups. Communication involves drumming and a range of vocal calls, with drumming serving as a territorial signal and part of courtship rituals. Most species feed on insects and invertebrates under bark and wood, playing a crucial ecological role in forest health by controlling pests. Breeding involves cavity nesting, mostly in trees, and they are predominantly monogamous, sometimes with cooperative breeding habits. The survival of woodpeckers is closely tied to the availability of trees for nesting and feeding. Multiple studies have looked into the woodpecker's resistance to head injury from pecking, noting adaptations like spongy bone structure and uneven beak lengths that absorb impact energy. Furthermore, researchers have found tau protein accumulations in woodpeckers, akin to what is seen in human CTE, though the implications of this are not fully understood.


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Species Categories

AccentorsAfrican & New World ParrotsAlbatrossesAnhingas, DartersAuksAustral Storm PetrelsAustralasian WarblersBarn OwlsBearded ReedlingBee-eatersBuntingsBushshrikesBushtitsBustardsButtonquailCaracaras, FalconsCardinals & AlliesCettia Bush Warblers & AlliesChats, Old World FlycatchersCisticolas & AlliesCormorants, ShagsCoursers, PratincolesCranesCrows, JaysCuckoosDippersDucks, Geese, SwansFigbirds, Orioles, TurnagraFinches, EuphoniasFlamingosFrigatebirdsGannets, BoobiesGoldcrests, KingletsGrassbirds & AlliesGrebesGuineafowlGulls, Terns, SkimmersHerons, BitternsIbises, SpoonbillsKingfishersKites, Hawks, EaglesLarksLaughingthrushes & AlliesLeaf Warblers & AlliesLongspurs, Snow BuntingsLoonsMockingbirds, ThrashersNew World QuailNew World SparrowsNew World WarblersNightjarsNorthern Storm PetrelsNuthatchesOld World ParrotsOld World Sparrows, SnowfinchesOropendolas, Orioles, BlackbirdsOspreysOwlsOystercatchersPelicansPenduline TitsPetrels, Shearwaters, Diving PetrelsPheasants & AlliesPigeons, DovesPloversRails, Crakes & CootsReed Warblers & AlliesRollersSandgrouseSandpipers, SnipesShrikesSkuasStarlings, RhabdornisStilts, AvocetsStone-curlews, Thick-kneesStorksSwallows, MartinsSwiftsSylviid BabblersThrushesTits, ChickadeesTreecreepersTropicbirdsTyrant Flycatchers, CalypturaVireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblersWagtails, PipitsWallcreeperWaxbills, Munias & AlliesWaxwingsWeavers, WidowbirdsWoodpeckersWrensYellow-breasted Chat

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Nick S
Work together with community
Been loving using this app to log my bird sightings and work together with community members to identify different birds. I've already learned a lot since I started about a month ago!
Robred 2
Fun way to add to your birdwatching experience
I enjoy watching birds in my backyard, but this app helped me really pay attention while on vacation this summer. It was fun to add new birds to my bird watching app.
Loving it
I really enjoy being able to interact with other birders on this platform! This seems like a great way to meet other birders and find some new spots.
Alice J
Awesome Birding Community
I absolutely love the community aspect of this app. The app is so user friendly and has fun interactive challenges to get you out birding. I’ve tried others but since I’ve started using Birda I’ve not gone back!
Great app for learning Birds
I’ve been using the app for a couple of months and love it....Someone said it’s like a real life Pokémon Go for birds. They’re not far off! It’s something that the family can do that gets you out and about. Well worth downloading no matter your age.
Fantastic App
This is a really lovely app, for everyone interested in birds - from newbies to old hands. There is a very friendly feel to the community and you will genuinely learn a lot as you record your sightings and photos. There are lots of badges and competitions to keep you engaged, and a host of really useful features.
Emma L
App got me interested in birding!
Super friendly community <3 This app got me interested in birding! It teaches me cool stuff and its super friendly, and fun :) The species guide is really developing my knowledge, and i love seeing cool new birds from round the world!
Jane N
A great app
Enjoying it immensely and finding it useful too. Recording the different birds and counting them is showing me how the present climate is affecting them all. I've trebled the numbers by planting native hedging. A great app.
Fantastic app - Love it!
Love this app and have used it almost daily. Lots of species information and easy to use. Love seeing birds spotted by other users in the UK and worldwide.
Very Wholesome App
Joined this app with a new interest in watching birds to help me find out what I was spotting. The community is very active in helping identify birds which is great and everyone is very kind so it’s just a nice wholesome community. I would definitely recommend this for any bird spotter 😄
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