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Species Guide

Vireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblers

Vireos are a family of small to medium-sized songbirds (Vireonidae) generally characterized by their dull, greenish plumage, found across the New World from Canada to Argentina, as well as Southeast Asia. The family comprises six genera, with a size range from the tiny Chocó vireo at 10 cm and 8 g to the larger peppershrikes at 17 cm and 40 g. These birds prefer forest environments, including canopies, undergrowth, and mangrove swamps. Most vireos from the US, Bermuda, and Canada are migratory, while others in Middle and South America are resident, often living in pairs or family groups that defend territories year-round. Vireo males are known for their singing, with variations in song complexity. Their breeding habits involve cup-shaped nests hanging from branches, with the female primarily responsible for incubation. Vireos mainly feed on insects and other arthropods, gleaning them from foliage or occasionally catching them in flight. The family is related to crows (Corvidae) and shrikes (Laniidae), and recent studies suggest unexpected relations to Asian genera Pteruthius and Erpornis, known as shrike-babblers. This diverse group, which includes the true vireos, greenlets, shrike-vireos, and peppershrikes, may be underrepresented at the generic and species levels, hinting at a more intricate taxonomic structure. The genera Vireo, Hylophilus, Tunchiornis, Pachysylvia, Cyclarhis, Vireolanius, and the Asian Pteruthius and Erpornis host many species, including the distinctive red-eyed vireo complex and various species unique to islands and specific habitats.


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Carl B
Helped me to identify more birds
Love this app and has helped me to identify more birds. The challenges and badges are great for keeping the motivation going to get out and keep birding.
Just what birding needs
We need more fun in birding, for years it has had a reputation for being up tight and stuffy and only perused by retirees and anoraks. Birda helps change that perception and firmly brings birding into the 21st century! Fun, interactive while still contributing to science and conservation. If you aren’t on it, why not??
Mike T
Sense of Community
A great app, which is continually being improved. What really comes through is the passion of those behind the app. The sense of community is brilliant, so much help and support provided to new and/or in experienced birders.
Great App
Great app to use for logging and communicating with others who are interested in birds
David C
Very knowledgeable group
Nice friendly birding community. Very knowledgeable group with a willingness to help.
Bryan C
Clean and easy to use
Really enjoying this app, it's clean and easy to use. I love the ease of being able to add those one-off birds without starting a whole checklist. I also like the social aspect, like the parts of my Facebook I like, without the ads and junk, just birds. Can't wait to see it become more populated.
Really useful
Downloaded to give it a try, everything worked perfectly, recorded my first bird watching walk. Very impressed. Have already recommended to friends!
Very Wholesome App
Joined this app with a new interest in watching birds to help me find out what I was spotting. The community is very active in helping identify birds which is great and everyone is very kind so it’s just a nice wholesome community. I would definitely recommend this for any bird spotter 😄
A mordern game changer
Birda is an awesome app, its updated the world of birding to the modern day with a fun and easy to use app. It’s engaging and allows positive interaction with fellow bird lovers!
Great app for beginner twitchers
I’ve had a passion of photographing birds for a long time now but have only just gotten into proper birdwatching, and this app is brilliant for those just getting started. There is a great sense of community among users and the app is very easy to use and professional. Awesome app altogether
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