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Species Guide

Tits, Chickadees

The Paridae family, which includes tits, chickadees, and titmice, consists of small, generally stocky woodland birds predominantly found in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa. These adaptable birds vary in length from about 10 to 22 cm and feed on a mixed diet of seeds and insects. Known for their short, stout bills—finer in insectivorous species and stouter in seed-eating species—these birds often visit feeders and can adapt their foraging techniques, such as hanging upside down, to access food. In terms of behavior, they are active, social, and exhibit intelligent traits just after corvids and parrots. They often form mixed-species flocks outside the breeding season and have elaborate calls, including the "chick-a dee dee dee" alarm call of North American chickadees. Tits have a variety of foraging methods that differ among the many species that make up their diverse and widespread distribution across Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. These birds are cavity nesters, with some species opting for tree cavities and others, like the Pseudopodoces, nest on the ground. They have large clutches, often having to cope with harsh winters or unpredictable conditions in Africa by being multibrooded. Many African species, along with Pseudopodoces, are cooperative breeders and maintain stable flocks through the non-breeding season. Recent taxonomic revisions have seen the splitting of the large Parus group into several genera based on DNA sequence analysis, with the family potentially expanding to include related groups such as penduline tits. Four major clades of "typical" tits can be recognized and their evolutionary spread into North America dates back to the Early-Mid Pliocene. The diversity within this family is immense, ranging from the familiar great tits and blue tits to more exotic species like the sultan tit and intricate variations in plumage and vocalizations.


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Species Categories

AccentorsAfrican & New World ParrotsAlbatrossesAnhingas, DartersAuksAustral Storm PetrelsAustralasian WarblersBarn OwlsBearded ReedlingBee-eatersBuntingsBushshrikesBushtitsBustardsButtonquailCaracaras, FalconsCardinals & AlliesCettia Bush Warblers & AlliesChats, Old World FlycatchersCisticolas & AlliesCormorants, ShagsCoursers, PratincolesCranesCrows, JaysCuckoosDippersDucks, Geese, SwansFigbirds, Orioles, TurnagraFinches, EuphoniasFlamingosFrigatebirdsGannets, BoobiesGoldcrests, KingletsGrassbirds & AlliesGrebesGuineafowlGulls, Terns, SkimmersHerons, BitternsIbises, SpoonbillsKingfishersKites, Hawks, EaglesLarksLaughingthrushes & AlliesLeaf Warblers & AlliesLongspurs, Snow BuntingsLoonsMockingbirds, ThrashersNew World QuailNew World SparrowsNew World WarblersNightjarsNorthern Storm PetrelsNuthatchesOld World ParrotsOld World Sparrows, SnowfinchesOropendolas, Orioles, BlackbirdsOspreysOwlsOystercatchersPelicansPenduline TitsPetrels, Shearwaters, Diving PetrelsPheasants & AlliesPigeons, DovesPloversRails, Crakes & CootsReed Warblers & AlliesRollersSandgrouseSandpipers, SnipesShrikesSkuasStarlings, RhabdornisStilts, AvocetsStone-curlews, Thick-kneesStorksSwallows, MartinsSwiftsSylviid BabblersThrushesTits, ChickadeesTreecreepersTropicbirdsTyrant Flycatchers, CalypturaVireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblersWagtails, PipitsWallcreeperWaxbills, Munias & AlliesWaxwingsWeavers, WidowbirdsWoodpeckersWrensYellow-breasted Chat

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We've been waiting for an App like this
Excellent! We've been waiting for an app like this! Thank you! It would be nice if you could assign additional birds to sessions later!
Paul F
Very good database
Highly recommend. It great that this app shows you male Vs female variations when posting. Very good database I'm really impressed.
Louise L
Easy to use and accurate
Love this app. It is easy to use and accurate, Their backup communication is really good. I noted a missing species. All through the process, I was kept informed about the progress in correcting the information. I now have the corrected, updated version. 😁 Thanks!
Nick S
Work together with community
Been loving using this app to log my bird sightings and work together with community members to identify different birds. I've already learned a lot since I started about a month ago!
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Fun way to add to your birdwatching experience
I enjoy watching birds in my backyard, but this app helped me really pay attention while on vacation this summer. It was fun to add new birds to my bird watching app.
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Best app for any birding person!
I love this app!! I am so addicted to it when I saw it had 3 star review I was so sad! The app is awesome!! The best app for any birding person! ❤️
Fantastic app - Love it!
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Helped me to identify more birds
Love this app and has helped me to identify more birds. The challenges and badges are great for keeping the motivation going to get out and keep birding.
Jane N
A great app
Enjoying it immensely and finding it useful too. Recording the different birds and counting them is showing me how the present climate is affecting them all. I've trebled the numbers by planting native hedging. A great app.
Stewart W
Fantastic to be involved
Fantastic to be involved, great for mental health and gets you responding with the Challenges that are to takd part in.
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