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Stone-curlews, Thick-knees

Stone-curlews, or dikkops/thick-knees, include 10 species within the Burhinidae family and are distributed across tropical and temperate regions globally, often inhabiting arid or semiarid areas. First categorized by ornithologist Gregory Mathews in 1912, these birds belong to two genera, Burhinus and Esacus, the former derived from Greek words for "ox" and "nose." Molecular studies suggest their closest relatives are sheathbills and the Magellanic plover, and they are not closely related to true curlews. Stone-curlews are medium to large with strong bills, large yellow eyes for a reptilian look, and camouflaging plumage. Their long legs have conspicuous joints, which led to the name "thick-knee." These nocturnal birds sing loud, wailing songs and mostly eat insects, invertebrates, and sometimes small vertebrates. The Eurasian stone-curlew is migratory, spending summers in Europe and winters in Africa, whereas others are sedentary. An extinct genus once thought to be a stone-curlew, Wilaru, is now considered part of a different family. The living species range from the Eurasian stone-curlew to the great stone-curlew and beach stone-curlew, among others, each adapted to their unique environments.


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Great app for beginner twitchers
I’ve had a passion of photographing birds for a long time now but have only just gotten into proper birdwatching, and this app is brilliant for those just getting started. There is a great sense of community among users and the app is very easy to use and professional. Awesome app altogether
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