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Species Guide

Stilts, Avocets

The Recurvirostridae family consists of wading birds known as avocets and stilts, which are found globally except in Antarctica. These birds have long, thin legs, necks, and bills, with avocets having upward-curving bills used for sweeping through brackish or saline waters to feed, while stilts have straight bills. They exhibit a black and white plumage, often have webbed front toes, with avocets being better swimmers. They communicate through short yelping calls and are generally similar in appearance, regardless of sex. Avocets and stilts feed on small aquatic prey and breed in open areas near water, sometimes forming colonies. They are monogamous for a season, lay light-colored, dark-marked eggs, and share incubation. Chicks are born with downy feathers and leave the nest quickly, becoming independent after some weeks to months, depending on the species. The black stilt of New Zealand is notably endangered. Taxonomy within the group, especially for stilts, is under debate, with differing opinions on the number of species within the genus Himantopus. The family includes various species, such as the banded stilt, black-winged stilt, American avocet, and red-necked avocet, each adapted to different regions and environments.
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Birda is a birdwatching app and community aimed at curious people who want to deepen their connection with nature.
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Take a walk, look out of the window and log the birds that you see. Feel good about those little connections to nature.
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Find new birding spots, see more birds, share and celebrate with a like-minded community of nature lovers.
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Logging your birding sightings and sessions turns into positive action for our planet. Every sighting counts.

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What Our Birders Say
David C
Very knowledgeable group
Nice friendly birding community. Very knowledgeable group with a willingness to help.
Learning Birding with Birda
I’m relatively new to birding as a hobby, and Birda is a great way to keep track off all the species I see. I’m still working on my ID skills, but the app is great for figuring out potential species, and the online community is so friendly and helpful. Definitely recommend Birda to both early and serious birders! 🐦
Hip An
Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
Makes you want to spot birds more
I think this app is fun. It makes you want to spot birds more so I guess in a way it encourages you to get out and about instead of sitting in front of the TV.
Love Birda
I love this app. It really encourages you to log your sightings and the community is friendly and helpful.
Talli A
My favourite app
As a young birdwatcher who was always keen to be apart of a community but never seemed to find one, my problem was solved downloading this!!! Everyone is so friendly and just as excited to see birds as me 😁
Great bird recording
For a while I’ve been trying to find an app to easily record bird lists and day out and struggled to find one that I like. Birda is great for this, straightforward and a great community!
Safira V
Birding and wellbeing app
Birda is an excellent platform to share your love of Birding and is a great tool of encouragement for a Birding Beginner like me. Birda has a very kind and supportive community of Birding enthusiasts. For me BIRDA is not only a BIRDING but also a WELLBEING App.
Great App
Great app to use for logging and communicating with others who are interested in birds
We've been waiting for an App like this
Excellent! We've been waiting for an app like this! Thank you! It would be nice if you could assign additional birds to sessions later!
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