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Species Guide

Kites, Hawks, Eagles

The Accipitridae family, consisting of species such as hawks, eagles, kites, harriers, and some vultures, comprises 255 species across 70 genera. These birds of prey range from small to large with strongly hooked beaks and dining habits that include insects, medium-sized mammals, carrion, and occasionally fruit. They are found globally, except Antarctica, with some species exhibiting migratory behavior. Many members of the family exhibit sexual dimorphism, with females generally larger. Accipitrids possess acute vision and strong talons for hunting. They build nests in secure locations and often return to the same site, with breeding seasons varying in length. Eggs are laid at intervals, which can lead to siblicide as a survival strategy when resources are scarce. Young accipitrids fledge after an extended period compared to other birds and may roam for years before reaching maturity. The family displays a diverse array of plumage and size, and while most species are solitary hunters, some, such as the Harris's hawk, demonstrate cooperative hunting and nesting behavior. Molecular studies and fossil records suggest a rich evolutionary history dating back tens of millions of years, with modern genera identified since the Early Oligocene. The intricate relationships within the family and their phylogenetic placement continue to be a subject of scientific investigation.


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Awesome App
I really enjoy using this app! It is such a friendly community of bird-lovers who are happy to help if I need ID advice. It’s been great motivation to get outdoors and go birding more! 10/10 😍😍
Recommend for any bird watcher
Very wholesome app: I joined this app with a new interest in watching birds to help me find out what I was spotting. The community is very active in helping identify birds which is great and everyone is very kind so it’s just a nice wholesome community. I would definitely recommend this for any bird spotter 😃
Mike T
Sense of Community
A great app, which is continually being improved. What really comes through is the passion of those behind the app. The sense of community is brilliant, so much help and support provided to new and/or in experienced birders.
Terrific App for Birders
Downloaded Birda around the time my interest in birding was sparked, and it has been a terrific app to help me (1) share my experience, (2) document my sightings, and (3) learn more about birds in general. That said, I also believe Birda is a fantastic app for birders of all experience levels. Great community!
Talli A
My favourite app
As a young birdwatcher who was always keen to be apart of a community but never seemed to find one, my problem was solved downloading this!!! Everyone is so friendly and just as excited to see birds as me 😁
Carl B
Helped me to identify more birds
Love this app and has helped me to identify more birds. The challenges and badges are great for keeping the motivation going to get out and keep birding.
Paul F
Very good database
Highly recommend. It great that this app shows you male Vs female variations when posting. Very good database I'm really impressed.
Hip An
Really enjoying Birda where I live i have a lot of Red kites really hard to photograph but I can video are you planning some place on the app where us Birda can post vids🦉🦅
Love Birda
I love this app. It really encourages you to log your sightings and the community is friendly and helpful.
Louise L
Easy to use and accurate
Love this app. It is easy to use and accurate, Their backup communication is really good. I noted a missing species. All through the process, I was kept informed about the progress in correcting the information. I now have the corrected, updated version. 😁 Thanks!
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