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Species Guide

Chachalacas, Curassows, Guans

The Cracidae family, consisting of chachalacas, guans, and curassows, is a group of large birds resembling turkeys found in tropical and subtropical Central and South America, with one species reaching Texas and others on Trinidad and Tobago. These ancient birds, related to Australasian mound-builders, form distinct clades and originate from a lineage that dates back to the Late Cretaceous. They exhibit variation in size from the little chachalaca to the great curassow and are known for their vocal nature, particularly the chachalacas named after their calls. Cracids primarily live in trees with the exception of the more terrestrial chachalacas and have a diet consisting of fruit, insects, and worms. They nest in trees, laying two to three large white eggs, which the female incubates. The precocial young are agile and able to fly shortly after hatching, instinctively climbing to safety in the nesting tree. The evolution and speciation of these birds have been shaped by geographical changes such as the uplift of the Andes, with the distribution of species often following river systems. However, due to scarce fossil records, many aspects of their systematics and historical biogeography remain hypothetical.


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Birda is a birdwatching app and community aimed at curious people who want to deepen their connection with nature.
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Take a walk, look out of the window and log the birds that you see. Feel good about those little connections to nature.
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Logging your birding sightings and sessions turns into positive action for our planet. Every sighting counts.

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What Our Birders Say
Alex J
Friendly and helps to identify birds
Great birding app, good for logging your sightings, also has nice species guide. I'm enjoying the social aspect more than I expected, everyone seems friendly and helps to identify unknown birds. Good mix of newbies and experienced users.
Loving it
I really enjoy being able to interact with other birders on this platform! This seems like a great way to meet other birders and find some new spots.
Birda fan
I really enjoy using Birda, all sightings are recorded and photos can be added. There are monthly challenges which help to get you out to record your sightings. The Birda community are great and are happy to help with unidentified bird sightings. Suitable for all ages and experience!
Safira V
Birding and wellbeing app
Birda is an excellent platform to share your love of Birding and is a great tool of encouragement for a Birding Beginner like me. Birda has a very kind and supportive community of Birding enthusiasts. For me BIRDA is not only a BIRDING but also a WELLBEING App.
Erna M
I really like Birda
I really like Birda. I also use other birding apps and have Birda with E-bird going at the same time.
Great App
Great app to use for logging and communicating with others who are interested in birds
Great bird recording
For a while I’ve been trying to find an app to easily record bird lists and day out and struggled to find one that I like. Birda is great for this, straightforward and a great community!
Learning Birding with Birda
I’m relatively new to birding as a hobby, and Birda is a great way to keep track off all the species I see. I’m still working on my ID skills, but the app is great for figuring out potential species, and the online community is so friendly and helpful. Definitely recommend Birda to both early and serious birders! 🐦
Bryan C
Clean and easy to use
Really enjoying this app, it's clean and easy to use. I love the ease of being able to add those one-off birds without starting a whole checklist. I also like the social aspect, like the parts of my Facebook I like, without the ads and junk, just birds. Can't wait to see it become more populated.
Love Birda
I love this app. It really encourages you to log your sightings and the community is friendly and helpful.
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