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Species Guide
A photo of a Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata)
Crested Owl

Crested Owl

Lophostrix cristata

The crested owl, Lophostrix cristata, is a medium-sized owl, distinguished by its very long whitish ear tufts that stand in stark contrast to its darker plumage. This bird of the night has a total length ranging from 38 to 43 cm and weighs between 425 to 620 grams. Its eyes can be yellow to brown, mottled with rufous, and it possesses a yellow or darker bill with pale grey-brown toes.

Identification Tips

Juvenile crested owls have whitish mesoptile (down feathers), a dark facial disk, and short ear tufts, while their flight and tail feathers resemble those of adults. Adults can be identified by their long white or buff-colored ear tufts and a prominent whitish eyestripe that extends into the ear tufts.

Colour Morphs

There are two primary color morphs of the adult crested owl: a dark morph with an overall chocolate-brown coloration and a pale morph with a rufous-brown hue. A third, greyish morph is exclusive to the subspecies Lophostrix cristata stricklandi.


The crested owl is found from Central America down to northern South America, including countries such as Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.


This species thrives in subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and montane forests, up to altitudes of 1000m. They show a preference for old growth forests near water bodies and can also be found in undisturbed secondary growth forests.


The crested owl is strictly nocturnal, often roosting during the day in dense foliage or along forested streams, perched 3 to 10 meters above the ground. When disturbed, it adopts a slim posture and erects its ear tufts.


Breeding occurs during the dry or early wet season, with nests typically located in natural tree cavities.

Diet and Feeding

Crested owls primarily feed on large insects and occasionally on small vertebrates. Bats, while only a small portion of their diet, are opportunistically preyed upon.

Song & Calls

The crested owl's call is a low, far-carrying "Gooooorrr" or "Broorrr," often mistaken for the call of the Bare-Throated Tiger Heron. Its song starts with a stuttering rattle that accelerates into a deep, guttural croak.

Conservation Status

The IUCN Red List classifies the crested owl as Least Concern, with stable populations. However, it is anticipated to experience a decline due to habitat loss, with a suspected 25% decrease over three generations.

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