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Species Guide
A photo of a Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus)
Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk

Buteo platypterus

The Broad-winged Hawk, Buteo platypterus, is a medium-sized raptor with a robust build, known for its relatively short and broad wings that taper to a somewhat pointed appearance. Adult plumage is predominantly dark brown with a white belly and chest featuring horizontal barring. The tail is marked with bands of grey-black and white. Juveniles display more white and longitudinal barring. Two distinct color morphs exist: a dark morph with limited white areas and a light morph that is paler overall.

Identification Tips

Adult Broad-winged Hawks are characterized by their stout body, measuring 32 to 44 cm in length, with a wingspan ranging from 74 to 100 cm. The tail is notably short, and the wings are broad with pointed tips. In flight, the wing beats are steady and the bird soars on flat wings. The light morph can be confused with the Red-shouldered Hawk, but the Broad-winged Hawk has a shorter, less heavily barred tail and lacks the solid rufous coloration on the wings seen in adult Red-shouldered Hawks. The rare dark morphs are uniformly darker brown.


These hawks favor deciduous forests for nesting, with a preference for wetlands and meadows for foraging. They are found at elevations up to 2,000 meters and can adapt to living near human settlements, though they generally avoid close interactions.


Broad-winged Hawks breed in the northern and eastern regions of North America and migrate to winter in the Neotropics, from Mexico to southern Brazil. Some subspecies are permanent residents on Caribbean islands.


During migration, Broad-winged Hawks form impressive flocks known as "kettles," which can number from a few dozen to several thousand individuals. They utilize thermals to soar on their lengthy journey, covering approximately 100 km per day. These hawks are solitary outside of the breeding season and are known to be territorial.

Song & Calls

The vocal repertoire includes a high-pitched "kee-ee" call used for communication between mates and offspring, as well as in territorial displays. Fledglings acquire this call by one month of age. An alarm call consisting of stuttered, squealing whistles is used when threatened.


Broad-winged Hawks are monogamous during the breeding season, with courtship involving spectacular aerial displays. Nesting occurs in trees, with both sexes contributing to nest construction. Clutches typically consist of one to four eggs, which are incubated primarily by the female for about 28 days.

Similar Species

The Red-shouldered Hawk is similar in appearance to the light morph of the Broad-winged Hawk but can be distinguished by its longer tail with more pronounced barring and rufous-colored wings in adults.

Diet and Feeding

These carnivorous birds have a varied diet that changes with the seasons, including insects, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and birds. They hunt by watching from a concealed perch and then performing a swift glide to capture prey. They are meticulous in food preparation, often skinning or plucking their catch before consumption.

Conservation status

The Broad-winged Hawk is currently assessed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Although populations are generally stable, there is concern over declines in some areas due to habitat fragmentation.

Broad-winged Hawk Sounds

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