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Species Guide
A photo of a Verreaux's Eagle (Aquila verreauxii)
Verreaux's Eagle

Verreaux's Eagle

Aquila verreauxii

The Verreaux's Eagle, Aquila verreauxii, is a formidable bird of prey, predominantly found in the mountainous regions of southern and eastern Africa. This majestic raptor is also known as the Black Eagle, particularly in southern Africa, though it should not be confused with the similarly named species of Asia. The adult Verreaux's Eagle is characterized by its striking jet-black plumage, with a contrasting white V-shaped patch on its back and rump, visible during flight. The cere, eye-ring, and "eyebrows" are a vivid yellow, providing a stark contrast against its dark feathers. This species is one of the largest eagles, with a wingspan stretching between 1.81 to 2.3 meters.

Identification Tips

Adults are mostly black with a distinctive white V-shaped patch on the back and a white base on the primaries. The cere, eye-ring, and "eyebrows" are yellow. Juveniles and immatures are dark brown with a golden crown and a rufous nape and mantle. The flight profile is unique, with wings held in a dihedral and primaries upturned at the tips.


Verreaux's Eagles favor kopjes, which are rocky outcrops in dry environments such as hills, cliffs, gorges, and inselbergs, often surrounded by savanna or thornbush landscapes. They are found at elevations up to 4,000 meters in Ethiopia and East Africa.


This species is native to southern and eastern Africa, with its range extending marginally into Chad, Mali, and Niger, and very locally in the Middle East.


Verreaux's Eagles are territorial and largely sedentary, with young birds dispersing widely after leaving the nest. They are known for their spectacular aerial displays, often involving undulating flights and steep dives.

Song & Calls

The Verreaux's Eagle is relatively silent, but it can produce a variety of calls, including loud, ringing whistles and chirruping sounds. The young emit feeble chirps that mature into clucking sounds similar to the adults.


Breeding pairs are territorial, with a density that varies by region. They build large, flattish nests on cliff ledges, often lined with green leaves. Typically, two eggs are laid, but only one chick usually survives due to obligate cainism, where the older sibling kills the younger.

Similar Species

The Verreaux's Eagle is unmistakable in its range due to its size and coloration. The golden eagle is similar in size but differs in plumage and habitat preference.

Diet and Feeding

The Verreaux's Eagle is highly specialized, with rock hyraxes comprising the bulk of its diet. They are adept hunters, often surprising their prey with rapid dives along the contours of the rocky terrain they inhabit.

Conservation status

The Verreaux's Eagle is currently listed as Least Concern by the IUCN. While it faces some threats from human persecution and habitat changes, its preference for cliff habitats offers some protection from widespread human encroachment.

Verreaux's Eagle Sounds

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