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Species Guide
A photo of a Band-rumped Storm Petrel (Hydrobates castro)
Band-rumped Storm Petrel

Band-rumped Storm Petrel

Hydrobates castro

The band-rumped storm petrel, also known as Madeiran storm petrel or Harcourt's storm petrel, is a small seabird with a length of 19–21 cm, a wingspan of 43–46 cm, and a weight of 44–49 g. Its plumage is predominantly brownish black, and it features an extensive white rump that distinguishes it from similar species.

Identification Tips

When observing the band-rumped storm petrel, look for its forked tail and long wings, which are characteristic of the species. However, unlike Leach's storm petrel, which has a more deeply forked tail and a V-shaped or triangular white rump, the band-rumped storm petrel's tail is less pronounced, and its flight pattern is more reminiscent of a shearwater than the tern-like flight of Leach's.


This species is pelagic, spending most of its life at sea, only coming ashore to breed.


The band-rumped storm petrel breeds on islands in the warmer regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Notable breeding sites include the Berlengas, the Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Saint Helena, eastern Japan, Kauai in Hawaii, and the Galápagos Islands. Recently, they have also been found breeding on the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii.


Breeding The band-rumped storm petrel nests in colonies situated close to the sea, utilizing rock crevices to lay a single white egg per breeding attempt. These birds are strictly nocturnal at their breeding sites to evade predators such as gulls and diurnal raptors, and they may avoid landing on clear moonlit nights. Their terrestrial locomotion is limited, often resulting in a shuffling movement to and from their burrows.


The diet of the band-rumped storm petrel consists of invertebrates, small vertebrates, and occasionally carrion. They forage by picking up prey items from the water's surface.


Recent studies have suggested the existence of 'cryptic species' within what is currently recognized as the band-rumped storm petrel. This is based on the discovery of 'cold season' and 'warm season' populations that use the same nesting sites at different times of the year and exhibit differences in vocalizations and molting periods. The 'warm season' population in the Azores has been identified as a separate species, Monteiro's storm petrel. The band-rumped storm petrel was previously classified in the genus Oceanodroma before it was synonymized with Hydrobates and is considered monotypic.

Conservation status

The band-rumped storm petrel is currently listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List, indicating that it is not at immediate risk of widespread decline.

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