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Species Guide
A photo of a Baillon's Crake (Zapornia pusilla)
Baillon's Crake

Baillon's Crake

Zapornia pusilla

The Baillon's crake, or Zapornia pusilla, is a diminutive member of the Rallidae family, often referred to as the marsh crake. This small waterbird measures between 16 to 18 centimeters in length, presenting a modest stature in the wetland environments it frequents.

Identification Tips

Adult Baillon's crakes exhibit brown upperparts with white markings, a blue-grey face, and underparts. Their rear flanks are distinctively barred with black and white. They possess green legs equipped with elongated toes, ideal for navigating their marshy habitats. The bill of the Baillon's crake is short and straight, displaying a yellow or green coloration without the red base seen in some related species. Immature birds share a similar appearance with the adults but have more extensive barring on the underparts. The downy chicks are uniformly black, a common trait among the rails.


These birds are typically found in sedge beds within their breeding range, which spans across Europe, mainly in the east, and throughout the Palearctic. They also inhabit wet sedge bogs where they nest.


Baillon's crakes breed in various regions, including Europe and across the Palearctic. Historically present in Great Britain, their numbers declined due to habitat drainage but have shown signs of recovery in north-western Europe. They are migratory, wintering in east Africa and south Asia, and are also resident breeders in Africa and Australasia. A rare sighting was recorded in North America on Attu Island in September 2000.


These secretive birds are most vocal and thus detectable during the breeding season. They are known for their rattling calls, reminiscent of the edible frog or perhaps the garganey. Baillon's crakes are more visible during migration or in their wintering grounds. They forage by probing in mud or shallow water and can also catch food by sight.

Song & Calls

The Baillon's crake's vocalizations are characterized by a distinctive rattling sound, which is particularly prominent during the breeding season.


The breeding habits of Baillon's crakes involve nesting in dry locations within wet sedge bogs. They lay clutches of 4 to 8 eggs, with the species exhibiting migratory behavior, traveling to warmer regions during the winter months.

Similar Species

The Baillon's crake is often compared to the slightly larger little crake, although it can be distinguished by its size and the coloration of its bill.

Diet and Feeding

Baillon's crakes primarily consume insects and aquatic animals, which they locate by sight or by probing with their bills in mud and shallow water.

Conservation status

Globally, the Baillon's crake is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN. However, its conservation status varies by region. In Australia, it is not listed as threatened on a federal level but is considered vulnerable in Victoria, where specific conservation measures are in place. The species is also covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA), reflecting international efforts to ensure its protection.

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Baillon's Crake Fun Facts

Did you know?
Bailon's Crake's call often resembles a frog and the call only travels a few hundred metres.

Baillon's Crakes on Birda


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