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Species Guide
A photo of a Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)
Eastern Meadowlark

Eastern Meadowlark

Sturnella magna

The Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna, is a medium-sized member of the blackbird family, Icteridae. It bears a striking resemblance to its sister species, the Western Meadowlark. The bird is characterized by its bright yellow underparts with a distinctive black "V" on the breast, white flanks streaked with black, and brown upperparts with black streaks. The head is adorned with light brown and black stripes, and it possesses a long, pointed bill.

Identification Tips

Adult Eastern Meadowlarks measure between 19 to 28 cm in length, with a wingspan of 35–40 cm. They weigh from 76 to 150 grams. The females are generally smaller in all physical dimensions. The most notable feature for identification is the black "V" on the yellow breast, which can be seen even at a distance. The striped head and long bill are also key identification markers.


Eastern Meadowlarks favor grasslands, prairies, pastures, and hay fields for their habitat. They are adept at utilizing farmland, especially areas where tall grasses are prevalent.


This species is found from eastern North America down to northern South America, with a range that is most extensive in the eastern regions. Northern populations tend to migrate southward during winter months.


Eastern Meadowlarks are ground foragers, often seen walking through low vegetation or probing the soil with their bills. They are known to form flocks in the winter. During the breeding season, males may have multiple nesting females within their territories.

Song & Calls

The Eastern Meadowlark's song consists of pure, melancholy whistles, simpler than the jumbled and flutey song of the Western Meadowlark. The song is often the most reliable way to distinguish between the two species in areas where their ranges overlap.


Breeding takes place throughout the summer. The Eastern Meadowlark constructs its nest on the ground, often in a natural depression such as cattle hoofprints. The nest is covered with a roof woven from grasses and lined with finer materials.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Eastern Meadowlark is predominantly animal-based, with arthropods such as beetles, grasshoppers, and crickets making up about three-quarters of their intake. They also consume grains and seeds.

Conservation status

The Eastern Meadowlark has experienced a population increase as forests in eastern North America were cleared, but numbers are now in decline due to habitat loss. The species is considered Near Threatened by the IUCN. Conservation efforts in areas like Nova Scotia focus on agricultural practices that provide suitable nesting habitats and reduce mortality.

Eastern Meadowlark Sounds

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Eastern Meadowlarks on Birda


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