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Species Guide
A photo of a White-bellied Sunbird (Cinnyris talatala), male
White-bellied Sunbird, Male

White-bellied Sunbird

Cinnyris talatala

The White-bellied Sunbird, Cinnyris talatala, also known as the White-breasted Sunbird, is a vibrant member of the Nectariniidae family. The male of the species is particularly striking with its iridescent plumage.

Identification Tips

Males can be identified by their glossy, metallic green upperparts and white underparts, while females are more subdued with greyish-brown tones. Both sexes have a slender, curved bill designed for nectar feeding.


This sunbird favors semi-arid savanna woodlands, thriving among Acacia and Combretum trees, as well as in riparian thickets and mixed miombo woodlands.


The species is widespread across southern Africa, from Angola to Tanzania, and southward to Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini, and northeastern South Africa.


White-bellied Sunbirds are active foragers, often seen in mixed-species flocks. They exhibit aerial hawking for insects and glean invertebrates from foliage in the late afternoon.

Song & Calls

The male's song is a melodious series of high-pitched notes, while the female's call is a softer chatter, often heard in the tranquility of botanical gardens.


Females construct oval-shaped nests adorned with leaves and bark, lining them with plant down. Nesting sites are cleverly chosen near protective wasp nests. The breeding season peaks from September to December, with females incubating 1-3 eggs for about two weeks.

Similar Species

While distinct in its white belly, the White-bellied Sunbird may be confused with other sunbird species, but its habitat and behavior provide good distinguishing factors.

Diet and Feeding

A diet rich in nectar from a variety of flowers, including Aloe, Protea, and exotic plants, is supplemented with insects and spiders. This bird is a vital pollinator in its ecosystem.

Conservation status

The White-bellied Sunbird is currently classified as Least Concern, showing resilience and even benefiting from certain environmental changes in its habitat.

Predators and parasites

Known predators include the Domestic Cat and Slender Mongoose, while it also falls prey to brood parasitism by the Klaas's Cuckoo.

White-bellied Sunbird Sounds

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