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Species Guide
A photo of a Golden-fronted Leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons)
Golden-fronted Leafbird

Golden-fronted Leafbird

Chloropsis aurifrons

The Golden-fronted Leafbird, with its scientific name Chloropsis aurifrons, is a vibrant species of leafbird. The adult boasts a striking green body complemented by a black face and throat, which are neatly bordered with yellow. Its forehead shines with a yellowish-orange hue, and a distinctive blue moustachial line graces its features, though it lacks the blue flight feathers and tail sides found in its cousin, the Blue-winged Leafbird. The bird's eyes are dark brown, and it has blackish feet and bill, completing its colorful ensemble.

Identification Tips

To identify the Golden-fronted Leafbird, look for the yellowish-orange forehead and the blue moustachial line. The black face and throat bordered with yellow are also key characteristics. Juveniles can be recognized by their plain green head and absence of black on the face and throat. The female's facial black appears slightly duller than the male's. In southern India, the subspecies C. a. frontalis has a narrower yellow border to the black face, a black throat, a blue sub-moustachial stripe, and a duller orange forehead. The race insularis, found in the extreme south of India and Sri Lanka, is slightly smaller than frontalis.


This species favors forests and scrub as its natural habitat, where it can be commonly found.


The Golden-fronted Leafbird is a common resident breeder across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and extends its range to parts of Southeast Asia.


The Golden-fronted Leafbird is known to construct its nest within the branches of trees, where it lays a clutch of 2-3 eggs. It is an active species, often seen flitting about in search of insects and berries, which make up its diet.

Song & Calls

The song of the Golden-fronted Leafbird is a melodious series of rising and falling liquid chirps, reminiscent of bulbul-like tones. Its calls can vary, including harsh whispers, and the bird is also adept at mimicking the calls of other bird species. Their calls are notably loud and can carry through their forested habitats.


Breeding Golden-fronted Leafbirds build their nests in trees, where they lay 2-3 eggs, participating in the continuation of their species.

Similar Species

The Golden-fronted Leafbird can be confused with the Blue-winged Leafbird, but the latter has blue in its flight feathers and tail sides, which the former lacks.

Diet and Feeding

The diet of the Golden-fronted Leafbird primarily consists of insects and berries, which it actively forages for in its forest and scrub habitats.

Conservation status

The IUCN Red List has classified the Golden-fronted Leafbird as Least Concern, indicating that, currently, there are no immediate threats to its population numbers that would warrant a higher level of concern.

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